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Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.

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Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum

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Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.

Herb up to 10 cm. tall with densely packed branchlets clad in imbricate lvs. Lvs at first erect then reflexed from appressed scarious nearly glab. base; c. 1 cm. long, oblong-obovate; free portion clad in appressed silky shining brown tomentum, with floccose hairs at junction with base. Capitula solitary, subsessile or sessile, c. 7 mm. diam.; phyll. glab., scarious, translucent, inner up to 8 × 2 mm., obtuse, narrowed to base. Achenes linear, narrowed below, c. 1 mm. long, with scattered appressed hairs, becoming glab. Pappus of c. 30 filiform hairs, c. 6 mm. long.

Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.

Stoloniferous perennial with much-branched stems terminating in leafy rosettes and usually forming mats, 2-4 cm tall. Lvs mostly in basal rosettes; basal lvs slightly narrowed to broad sheathing petiole, densely sericeous on both surfaces including mid-vein but not petiole, keeled toward apex, narrow-oblong to spathulate, obtuse, (5)-8-12 × 2-4 mm; cauline lvs 1-2, narrow. Capitula c. 5-8 mm diam., solitary; subtending lvs < capitula; scape terminal, simple, erect, amongst lvs at flowering, elongating only to just above lvs at fruiting. Involucral bracts narrowly elliptic-oblong, subacute, 7-7.5 mm long; stereome yellow-green; lamina very pale brown, sometimes darker at base; gap and margins clear to mid-brown. Achenes glabrous, 1-1.2 mm long.

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Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.

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Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 April 2004
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