Carex diandra Schrank

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Carex diandra Schrank,
Cent. Bot. Anmerk. 49 ["57"] (1781)
Carex diandra Schrank
49 ["57"]
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra
Vernacular names
Carex diandra Schrank
2n = c. 60
Carex diandra Schrank
Shoots close together from woody, dark brown rhizomes, loosely tufted, not tussock-forming, pale or bright green, to 55 cm high. Inflorescence a spike-like greenish-brown panicle 1.5-5 cm long. Spikes many, sessile, ± densely clustered, male flowers at top. Utricles dark brown, nerved on one face; beak-margins scabrid. Stigmas 2.
Carex diandra Schrank
Rhizomatous; loosely tufted, pale or bright green, not tussock-forming, shoots arising singly from the rhizome. Rhizome c. 2 mm. diam., loosely covered by dark brown sheaths, roots , fibrous, chestnut-brown; shoots approximate, 2–3 mm. diam. at base including basal sheaths. Culms 15–55 cm. × c. 1 mm., wiry, trigonous, smooth below, angles scabrid above; basal sheaths dark grey-brown. Lvs < culms, 1.5–3 mm. wide, channelled, scabrid on the edges, becoming triquetrous towards the tip. Infl. 1.5–5 cm. long, a compound spike, with a few spikes distant below and ± spikes clustered above, greenish brown, rarely subtended by a lf-like bract ± = infl. Spikes c. 5 mm. long, androgynous, male fls terminal. Glumes = or slightly < utricles, ovate, brown with wide membr. margins, midrib excurrent, finely scabrid in lower glumes. Utricles 3–3.5 × 1.5–2 mm., plano-convex, occ. unequally biconvex, broadly ovoid, with short distinct nerves radiating from the base on the convex face, but smooth on the flat face, shining, dark brown; beak c. 1 mm. long, sub-pyramidal, light brown, margins scabrid, orifice bifid; stipe minute, c. 0.2 mm. long, very narrow. Stigmas 2. Nut 1.5 mm. long, biconvex or subtrigonous, obovoid, very much narrowed towards the base, dull brown.
Taxonomic concepts
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex teretiuscula Gooden.
Carex diandra Schrank
Carex teretiuscula Gooden.
Carex diandra Schrank
scientific name
1 January 2000
23 June 2020