Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001

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Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia in Castañeda Ruíz et al., Cryptog. Mycol. 22 15 (2001)
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
S. Hughes
(S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae
New Zealand. (1, 2) On decaying bark of Nothofagus fusca, Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mt. Road (750 m), 7.111.1963, SIR, DAOM 178615a, 178616a (holotype) PDD 36106 (isotype).
Colonies effuse, black. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, composed of pale brown to brown hyphae 1.5-3.0 um wide. Conidiophores macronematous, unbranched, scattered and solitary or in groups of 2 to 4, usually straight, sometimes flexuous, up to 265 um long, septate, 9- 10 um wide at the base, cylindrical, 10.0-10.8 um wide toward the apex, very dark brown to black for most of their length, subhyaline to brown toward the apex which bears flattened scars of schizolytically released conidia. Conidia produced blastically on successivesympodial extensions of the conidiophore. They are dry, broadly ellipsoidal to subcylindrical to subovoid with a slightly protuberant scar 1.8-2.0 um wide at the base, very dark brown to almost black, smooth (3-) 5-septate with the terminal and basal cell shorter and paler than the others; the terminal cell has an apical, circular, thin-walled, subhyaline to pale brown zone 3-4 um diam. Conidia measure 34.0-37.8 X 16.2-21.6 um (3-septate), 32.4-39.6x 153-21.6 um (4-septate) and 34-45 X 14.4-20.7 um (5-septate). Often closely associated with Pseudospiropes variabilis.
saepe mixtus cum Pseudospiropede variabili in cortice putrido Nothofagi fuscae. Nova Zelandia
Coloniae effusae, atrae. Mycelium partim superficiale partim in substrato immersum, ex hyphis pallide brunneis vel brunneis, 1.5-3.0 um crassis compositum. Conidiophora singula vel 2-4 aggregata, simplicia, dispersa plerumque recta, aliquando flexuosa, usque ad 265 um longa, septata, basi 9-10 um crassa, cylindrica, atrobrunnea vel atra, apice 10.0-10.8 um crassa, subhyalina vel brunnea, sympodialiter polyblastica, cicatricibus planis conidiorum delapsorum praedita. Conidia sicca, late ellipsoidea vel subcylindrica vel subovoidea, cicatrice 1.8-2.0 um lata interdum in processu dentiformi brevi, atrobrunnea vel fere atra, laevia, ad apicem zona circulari 3-4 um diam., tenuitunicata, subhyalina vel pallide brunnea praedita: (3-)5-septata, cellula apicali basalique brevioribus quam cellulae centrales. Conidia schizolytice secedentia, 34.0-37.8 X16.2-21.6um (3-septata), 32.4-39.6 X 15.3-21.6 um (4-septata), 34-45 X 14.4-20.7 um (5-septata).
mixtus cum Pseudospiropede variabili in cortice putrido Nothofagi fuscae, Wellington Prov., Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mt. Road (750 m), Nova Zelandia, 7.III. 1963, S.J.H., DAOM 178616a (holotypus), PDD 36106 (isotypus).
Taxonomic concepts
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae R.F. Castañeda & Heredia (2001)
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes 1989
Nigrolentilocus novae-zealandiae (S. Hughes) R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes (1989)
Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes (1989)
Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes (1989)
Pseudospiropes novae-zealandiae S. Hughes (1989)
Global name resources
scientific name
20 February 2006
5 April 2024