Puccinia kokihi McKenzie & Padamsee 2024
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Puccinia kokihi McKenzie & Padamsee in McKenzie et al., New Zealand J. Bot. [electronic] [24] (2024)
Puccinia kokihi McKenzie & Padamsee 2024
McKenzie & Padamsee
McKenzie & Padamsee
replacement, replacement name
Puccinia kokihi
Specimen examined: Rekohu, Waitangi, 13.111.1983, E. H. C. McKenzie
Telia amphigenous, reddish-brown, in circinnate groups surrounding the uredinia, long covered. Teliospores 42-50 x (29-) 32-35 (-36) µm, broadly ellipsoidal to cylindrical, sometimes acuminate, usually constricted at septum, wall 3-6 µm thick at sides, (5-) 7-10 µm at apex, smooth, chestnut brown; pedicels up to 60 x 6-11 µm, but usually broken shorter, pale luteus.
On Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pallas) Kuntze
Teliis µmphigenis, rufo-brunneis, circinnatis. Teliosporae 42-50 x (29-) 32-35 (-36) µm, late ellipsoideae vel cylindrcae, interdum acuminatae, ad septum constrictae, membrana ad latera 3-6 µm, ad apicem (5-) 7-10 µm crassae, leves, castaneo-brunneae; pedicello usque ad 60 µm, pallide luteo. In follis aizoaceae speciei Tetragoniae tetragonioidis (Pallas) Kuntze
Although Cunningham (1923, 1931) described teliospores of P. tetragoniae, it is likely that these were described from Australian material since Laundon (1963) did not see any on New Zealand specimens examined during his revision of rusts on Tetragonia. Laundon distinguished three varieties under P. tetragoniae on the basis of urediniospore morphology (size and wall layer thickness) and geographical distribution, viz, var. tetragoniae on T. implexicoma (Miq.) Hook. f. in Australia, var. austro-africana E. M. Doidge on T. tetragonioides in South Africa, and (P. tetragoniae var.) Uredo novae-zelandiae Laundon on T. tetragonioides and T. trigyna Banks & Sol. ex Hook. f. in New Zealand. Although teliospores were unknown for New Zealand collections of the rust, Laundon had little doubt that the rust belonged in this complex.
Urediniospores from the Chatham Islands collection measure (27.5-) 29-32 (-35) x (22-) 24-27 µm, mean 31 x 25 µm, with the inner wall layer 1-2 ,m thick and the outer layer 1-3 µm thick. These measurements are similar to those given by Laundon (1963) for Uredo novae-zelandiae.
Urediniospores from the Chatham Islands collection measure (27.5-) 29-32 (-35) x (22-) 24-27 µm, mean 31 x 25 µm, with the inner wall layer 1-2 ,m thick and the outer layer 1-3 µm thick. These measurements are similar to those given by Laundon (1963) for Uredo novae-zelandiae.
Holotypus PDD 56064.
Taxonomic concepts
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie (1991)
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie (1991)
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie (1991)
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie 1991
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie (1991)
Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie (1991)
Uredo novae-zelandiae G.F. Laundon (1963)
Uredo novae-zelandiae G.F. Laundon
scientific name
12 August 2024
17 December 2024