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Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013

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Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr, Mycotaxon 126 147 (2013)
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
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Occurrence in New Zealand uncertain, confusion of the application of this species name in New Zealand. Dingley (1956) regarded H. citrina and H. pulvinatum as synonyms and accepted H. citrina for New Zealand. Overton et al. (2006) regard these as two distinct species; no sequenced New Zealand specimens match either name sensu Overton et al.

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Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr
(Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr
Trichoderma citrinum

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Cultures similar to H. rufa, floccose, media becoming discoloured, isabelline, ,conidia formed within seven days, dark olivaceous, developing over whole surface of culture. Mycelium 3-8µ, diameter, often slightly swollen immediately below a transverse septum. Conidiophores produced in tufts more or less verticillately branched immediately below a transverse septa. Phialides arranged in terminal or lateral whorls of 2-5, usually pyriform, 5-5-10 x 3-5µ. Conidia catenulated from tips of phialides, globose, rarely oval, 2-3-5 x 2-3-3µ, pigmented and echinulate.

Chlamydospores absent.

Mature perithecia were formed on a small effuse stroma on a culture approximately ten days old.

This species has not hitherto been recorded from New Zealand. Collections typical of European material were obtained from Glandville Forest, Totara Flats, Westland, in April, 1955, growing on branches of dead Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oerst. The conidial stage of this species is typical of T. viride.

Neotype of Trichoderma citrinum: W. Gams 4031 (CBS); ex-type culture: CBS 894.85. Holotype of Trichoderma lacteum: DAOM 167644; ex-type culture CBS 853.70. Epitype of Trichoderma lacteum, here designated: W. Gams 4031 (CBS); ex-epitype culture: CBS 894.85. Phylog.: sect. Hypocreanum; anamorph verticillium-like, conidia hyaline. Repres. sequences: tef1: FJ860631, DQ835441; rpb2: FJ179603, AF545561. References: Overton et al. (2006a), Jaklitsch (2011). Note: Hypocrea citrina is a well-known name for a well-known species, particularly in Europe, and has priority over H. lactea. Bissett (1992) erected the name Trichoderma lacteum for the anamorph of H. lactea. The tef1 intron 5 of its ex-type strain CBS 853.70 clearly demonstrates conspecifcity of T. lacteum with T. citrinum. The revised citation of T. lacteum, above, follows the working practice advocated by Hawksworth et al. (2013). Application of the ‘Kew rule’ would favour T. lacteum as the appropriate Trichoderma name for a synonymised H. citrina/H. lactea. However, this would be undesirable, because the inconsistent application of the name H. lactea to a number of diferent taxa could be misleading; for example, “Hypocrea lactea“ sensu Doi (1972) was recently described as T. pseudolacteum by Kim et al. (2013).

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Hypocrea citrina (Pers.) Fr. 1849
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013
Sphaeria lactea Fr. 1816
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013
Trichoderma lacteum Bissett 1992 [1991]
Trichoderma citrinum (Pers.) Jaklitsch, W. Gams & Voglmayr 2013

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25 March 2014
25 March 2014
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