Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy

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Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy, New Zealand J. Bot. 43: 726 (2005)
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Connor & Molloy
Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
2n = 24
2n = 24
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Small tufted bright green tussock and persistent old stramineous leaves below shoots of 3–4 conspicuously divergent leaf blades on widely spaced intravaginal innovations, << erect culms. Prophyll 7–10 mm, keels long hairy, interkeels hairy, setae <1 mm hairy. Leaf-sheath 1–1.5 cm, glabrous, ridged, becoming stramineous; collar thickened, paler than sheath; apical tuft 0.5–1–1.5 mm, sparse. Ligule a very narrow row of hairs c. 0.25 mm. Leafblade 2.5–3 cm × 0.5 mm, ± terete; persistent, tardily disarticulating at ligule; glabrous abaxially except keel hairy apically; adaxially with many small white prickles on nerves; margin glabrous. Culm to 12 cm, internodes rigid, erect, tough, glabrous, inflorescence internode 4–6 cm. Inflorescence a raceme, 1.0– 1.7 cm, of 2–3–5 widely spaced solitary overlapping spikelets on very finely toothed pedicels 2–3–5 mm, rachis very finely toothed. Spikelets 6–8 mm, of 3–5 florets; awns exserted. Glumes equal, ± ovate–acute 5–6 mm, glabrous, bright green centrally, margins hyaline sometimes empurpled below, faintly toothed above, apex finely ciliate, nerves confluent; upper 5-nerved, lower 3-nerved, adaxially with abundant very small white hairs. Lemma 2 mm, bright green, 7-nerved, nerves anastomosing below sinus; upper row of hairs only in marginal tufts, 0.75 mm, ≥ sinus, or with one or two central tufts of 1–few hairs > sinus, < awn column; lower row only of marginal tufts, 0.5 mm, not reaching upper marginal tufts, elsewhere glabrous; lemma lobes 1.5–2.5 mm ≥ lemma, abruptly produced into awns 1–1.5 mm, margins empurpled; central awn 1.5–2.5, reflexed from twisting column 1 mm. Palea 2.5 mm, > sinus, broad, keels densely long ciliate above, glabrous and narrow below; apex entire, ciliate; adaxially hairy above. Callus 0.25 mm, rounded, marginal hair tufts 0.4–0.6 mm, not reaching tufts of lower row of lemma. Rachilla 0.3–0.5 mm, glabrous. Lodicules 0.4–0.5 mm, hairs 1–2 = lodicule; nerved, cuneate and lobed. Anthers 0.7–1.0 mm, yellow, apiculate, exserted. Gynoecium: ovary 0.5–0.8 mm, obovoid, stipitate, stigma-styles 1.2–1.5–1.75 mm, exserted, remnant of third style present. Caryopsis 1.4–1.5 mm × 0.75 mm, obovate, free; embryo 0.5–0.6 mm; hilum 0.3–0.4 mm.
Quoad flosculorum aspectum ad R. merum accedit sed ab ea specie differt flosculis minoribus, et brevi summo culmi internodio ad maturitatem non elongato.
Taxonomic concepts
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
Rytidosperma horrens Connor & Molloy
scientific name
7 October 2005