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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey

Scientific name record
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Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey, New Zealand J. Bot. 23: 135 (1985)
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey

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New Zealand
Political Region
Endemic to the Chatham Islands. Asplenium chathamense was given a conservation status of Naturally Uncommon by de Lange et al. (2013).

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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense
chathamense (Latin) – from the Chatham Islands.
Holotype: South East Island, Chatham Islands, B.D. Bell, Feb. 1975, cultivated as P.J. Brownsey NZ 1175, WELT P011880!; isotype CHR 407436!

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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey

Rhizome short, erect, bearing blackish- brown subulate scales up to 25 × 3 mm. Stipes (5)7-25(35) cm long, 2-4 mm diameter, stiff, pale brown at the base, green above, bearing scattered subulate scales 1-4 mm long (Fig. 2). Laminae elliptic or rhombic to ovate, 5-45 × 3.5-20 cm, dark shiny green on upper surface, lighter on undersurface, stiff, erect, glabrous except for a few scattered scales, bipinnate to often tripinnate at base (Fig. 1). Rachis green, or occasionally pale brown on undersurface, bearing a few small scattered scales. Primary pinnae in 6-17 pairs, the upper ones narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate decreasing regularly in size towards the apex, the lower ones narrowly ovate to ovate, the longest below the middle 2.5-15 × 1-7 cm. Secondary pinnae on the upper primary pinnae ± linear, undivided, with obtuse apices; those on the lower primary pinnae narrowly elliptic or ovate and divided into tertiary pinnae, the longest 1-6 × 0.6-2 cm. Tertiary pinnae usually linear, undivided, up to 10 × 2 mm, occasionally larger and divided into 2-4 ultimate segments, apices obtuse. Sori extending along ultimate pinnules, 2-10 mm long, margins of indusia entire. Spores (34)40-50(52) × (21)26-33(37) mcm (9 populations); perispores prominently winged, sometimes with a few ridges (Fig. 3).
Rhizoma breve, erectum, paleis subulatis fuscis usque ad 25 × 3 mm. Stipes (5)7-25(35) cm longus, 2-4 mm diametro, rigidus, basi brunneus, apice viridis, paleis subulatis 1-4 mm longis distantibus. Lamina elliptica, rhombica yel ovata, 5-45 × 3.5-20 cm, pagina superiori atroviridi inferiori subviridi, rigida, erecta, glabra, paleis distantibus, apice bipinnata, basi saepe tripinnata. Rhachis viridis, interdum pagina inferiori brunnea, paleis parvis distantibus. Pinnae primariae 6-17-jugatae, superiores anguste ellipticae vel anguste ovatae, apicem versus ordinate decrescentes, inferiores anguste ovatae vel ovatae, longissirnae infra medium 2.5-15 × 1-7cm. Pinnae secundariae pinnarum primariorum superiorum + lineares, integrae, apicibus obtusis; pinnarum primariorum inferiorum anguste ellipticae vel ovatae, pinnis tertiariis, longissimae 1-6 × 0.6-2 cm. Pinnae tertiariae plerumque lineares, integrae, usque ad 10 × 2 mm, interdum segmentis 2-4 ultimis, apicibus obtusis. Sori elongati secus pinnulas ultimas, 2-10 mm longi, marginibus indusiorum integris. Sporae (34)40-50(52) × (21)26-33(37) mcm; perisporae manifeste alatae, interdum cristatae.

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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey

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Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
New Zealand
Asplenium chathamense Brownsey
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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chathamense (Latin) – from the Chatham Islands.
Holotype: South East Island, Chatham Islands, B.D. Bell, Feb. 1975, cultivated as P.J. Brownsey NZ 1175, WELT P011880!; isotype CHR 407436!

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scientific name
1 January 2000
11 August 2017
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