Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Low tufted perennial herb sts with woody stock up to 2 mm. diam.; stems slender, rooting at nodes and stoloniferous, branches ∞, erect, up to c. 5 cm. tall, slender to filiform, white-pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. rather close-set, 2-10 × 1-5 mm., narrow- to rhomboid-cuneate with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glab., margins thickened and revolute. Fls single or few at tips of branches, subsessile or on white-pubescent pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Calyx 5-8 mm. long, white-pubescent, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way; lobes acute to subacute, margins and midribs thickened and reddish. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long and diam.; tube us. much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 3-5 mm. wide, entire or shallowly emarginate. Anthers red-brown, margins hairy, awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm., oblong to obovate, sparsely setose at apex; seeds ∞, 1-1·5 mm. long.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Low tufted perennial herb, sometimes with fairly stout woody stock; stems slender and stoloniferous; branches numerous, erect, to c. 5 cm long, slender to filiform, white-hairy. Lvs sessile, 2-10 × 1-5 mm, rhomboid-cuneate or narrower, with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glabrous. Fls subsessile or on pedicels to c. 5 mm long. Calyx 5-8 mm long, white-hairy, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way. Corolla white, 10-15 mm long. Anthers red-brown; margins hairy; awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000