Rhagadolobium filicinum (Berk. & Broome) Arx 1962

Ascomata on upper and lower surfaces of fern leaves, more or less circular, 13-3 mm diam., when mature entirely superficial, black, crustose, at first subcuticular, mycelium of ascomata only in contact with leaf tissue through stomata; 15-20um thick, 80 A at loculi. Outer wall of radially arranged, pigmented and agglutinated mycelium. Hypostroma of pigmented and thickened hyphae. Loculi annular or linear 60-80um diam., up to 0.5 mm Ion., covered by agglutinated mycelium which at maturity cracks and exposes hymenium. Hymenium of closely compacted asci, pseudoparaphyses absent. Asci elliptical or clavate 50-6011 X 5-8 um bitunicate, 8 spored, ascospores biseriately or uniseriately arranged. Ascospores one septate, elliptical, 9-12 X 3-3.5 um hyaline.
On living leaves of Cyathea spp. TYPE: On Alsophila gigantea Wall. ex Hook., Ceylon, Central Province, Galagaira, May, 1858 (Thwaites, 453)