Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones

Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones in Bayly et al., New Zealand J. Bot. 38: 180 (2000)
Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Branchlets bifariously to uniformly puberulent. Leaves oblong-elliptic, linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, (16-)25-45(-62) mm long, (3.5-)4.0-8.0 mm wide; adaxial surface usually smooth, mostly pitted only toward the margin but sometimes with obvious pits toward middle of lamina, stomata sparse except at apex and sometimes along either side of midrib; margins broad, glabrous or with very fine hairs toward the apex. Inflorescences 32-64 mm long. Corolla tube hairy within, 1.8-3.0(-3.5) mm long.
Varietas Hebis stenophyllae, a varietatibus aliis characteribus secundis combinatis differt: ramulis uniformiter vel bifariam puberulis; paginis foliorum adaxialibus stomatibus et pilis glanduliferis depressis paucis; tubo corollae intra puberulo, 1.8-3.0(-3.5) mm longo.
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
2n = 40
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. hesperia Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Holotype: Nelson, c. 2 km southwest of Kaihoka Lakes, on bluffs beside Limestone Road, M. J. Bayly 1149, 28 Jan 1999, WELT 81486. Isotypes: AK, CHR 549400
The epithet hesperia refers to the western distribution of this variety in the far west of Nelson.
scientific name
1 January 2000
2 January 2023