Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.

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Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 2: 207 (1839)
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa
Vernacular names
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Low-growing, with slender flexible, sprawling to prostrate, interlacing branches and branchlets, forming a ± cushionlike mass up to c. 2 m. diam., occ. up to 2m. tall. Branchlets ∞ with yellowish brown bark, pubescent when young. Lvs in opp. Pairs or fascicles, on yellowish petioles. Stipules rounded-obtuse to broadly triangular, ± pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., yellowish green, linear obtuse, 7-12 × 1-1·5- (2) mm. Midrib alone evident. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ with calyx 0 or vestigial; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate-oblong, subacute, ± = tube. ♀ with acute, narrow-triangular calyx-teeth; corolla funnelform, lobes narrow-oblong, obtuse. Drupe translucent, very pale to pale blue, often with darker flecks, globose, c. 7 mm. diam.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
n = 22
2n = 44
2n = 44
Taxonomic concepts
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Coprosma acerosa f. arenaria Kirk
Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
Eagle (2006, vol. 2, pp. 732–735) discusses and illustrates four forms of C. acerosa, (i) with a distribution throughout New Zealand on coastal sand dunes, (ii) found only on the Volcanic Plateau above 1000 m, (iii) from coastal cliffs on the South Taranaki Coast, and (iv) from lowland and montane South Island. Eagle (2006) also recognises C. brunnea and gives the distribution as Cobb Valley. The type of C. brunneawas collected on the Canterbury Plains, while the type of C. acerosa was collected from coastal sandy rocks at Hokianga Harbour. Markey & de Lange (2003) showed results from DNA sequencing on Coprosmasection Acerosae, and concluded, "This molecular work is inconclusive as to the distinctiveness of C. brunnea from C. acerosa. Indeed, the genetic distance between North Island and South Island individuals is greater than between South Island individuals of C. acerosa and C. brunnea". They indicated that C. acerosa is a coastal species while C. brunnea is an inland species that rarely occurs on the coast.
scientific name
1 January 2000
8 March 2004