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Raoulia haastii Hook.f.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Raoulia haastii Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 148 (1864)
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii

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Raoulia haastii Hook.f.

Stems creeping and rooting; branches ∞, densely packed; branchlets erect or ascending, very close-set; plant forming cushions up to 1 m. or more diam. and 3 dm. or more tall. Lvs very densely imbricate in c. 5 series; basal portion scarious, glab., 3-nerved (lateral nerves us. weak, sts absent), c. 1 × 0·5 mm., suddenly narrowed to blunt apical portion c. 1 mm. long, subcoriac., ± densely clad in appressed silky hairs. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam. Florets 4-10, c. half ♀. Inner phyll. c. 4 mm. long, stramineous, hyaline-margined, linear-oblong, obtuse; apex dark to creamy white, not radiate. Achenes < 1 mm. long, ± puberulous; pappus-hairs up to 3 mm. long, slender, not thickened at tips.

Raoulia haastii Hook.f.

2n = 28
2n = 28

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Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
Raoulia haastii Hook.f.

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Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 May 2006
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