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Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973

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E. Horak
G. Stev.
(G. Stev.) E. Horak
illegitimate, superfluous
Gliophorus viridis

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Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973

Holotype (K): 'Levin, N.Z.; leg. Stevenson (338), 26.VI.1948'. - Herb. HK. ZT 68/514: 'Near Filter station, NW of Dunedin, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 30.V.1968'.
Pileus 10-15(-35) mm diam., hemispherical when young becoming convex or even expanded, herbage green to malachite green, darker at the centre, glutinous, striated at the sharp margin. Lamellae adnate to subdecurrent, whitish-greenish, moderately close, gill edge even, concolorous, without gelatinous thread. Stipe 15-50 x 2-3 mm, cylindric, equal, apex concolorous with pileus, orange-grey to yellowish towards the base, glutinous except uppermost portion, hollow, single. Context green in pileus, orange-grey at the base of the stipe, unchanging. Odor slightly alkaline. Taste mild. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - yellow. Spores 7-8(-9) x 4-5 µm, ellipsoid, smooth, inamyloid. Basidia 35-45 x 5-7 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia lacking. Cuticle an ixotrichodermium consisting of erect, cylindric, apically branched hyphae (2-5µm diam.), membranes strongly gelatinized, thin-walled. Clamp connections numerous.
On soil in broadleaf forest (Fuchsia, Melicytus), Podocarpus, Dacrydium, etc. New Zealand.
Stevenson 1962: Fig. 2/20, Pl. 8/1; Taylor 1970 (back cover).
This beautiful species (see Taylor 1970) differs from G. graminicolor Hk., another green coloured Hygrophoraceae from New Zealand, in its adnate (!) lamellae, larger spores, and absence of an unpleasant odor.

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Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1973)
Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1973)

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Gliophorus viridis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
[Not available]

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16 July 2001
16 July 2001
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