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Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965

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Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 48 187 (1965)
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Berk. & Broome
(Berk. & Broome) McNabb
Mycogloea macrospora

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ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED. NEW ZEALAND. NELSON: Eve's Bush, on Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oerst., Mar 1967, J. M. Dingley (PDD 24629). SOUTHLAND: Tuatapere, on N. menziesii (Hook. f.) Oerst., Feb 1954, J. M. Dingley (PDD 18017). CANTERBURY: Mt. Grey, on N. solandri (Hook. f.) Oerst. var. cliortioides (Hook. f.) Poole, 20 Sep 1967, E. Horak (PDD 26103); Cragieburn, on N. solandri var. cliffortioides, April 1970, R. F. R. McNabb (PDD 31372), Feb 1969, R. F. R. McNabb (PDD 31374).

Mycogloea orthospora (H. Sydow) McNabb ex Dingley, comb. nov.
Microcera orthospora H. Sydow, Ann. Mycol. 22: 317. 1924.
Fusarium orthoconium Wollenweber, Fus. Autogr. Del., Ed. 2, 637. 1926, non Fusarium orthosporum Sacc. in Saccardo & P. Sydow, Syll. Fung.16: 1100. 1902.
Fusarium microcera Bilai var. orthoconium (Wollenw.) Bilai, Fusarii 293. 1955.

Basidiocarp pustulate, 0.5-3 mm diam. x 0.5-1 mm high, vinaceous pink, translucent, gelatinous when fresh, drying ochraceous, in groups of up to 6; entire basidiocarp of homogeneous, hyaline, thin-walled septate hyphae 2-4 µm diam.; simple clamp connections present in basal hyphae, probasidia arising from basal hyphae; hymenium amphigenous, composed of a compacted layer of metabasidia and occasional filamentous dikaryophyses. Metabasidia cylindri]cal, 40-70 x 3-4 µm, with rounded apical cells, usually 3-septate, sometimes slightly constricted at septa, readily detached from a thin walled, cylindrical, 1-2 µm diam. subbasidial cell. Basidiospores not seen. Dikaryophyses filamentous, rarely branched, up to 2 µm thick, often up to 200 µm long.

Microcera orthospora was originally described and illustrated from New Zealand by Sydow (1924). Wollenweber (1926), in rejecting Microcera Desm., transferred the species to Fusarium with the new name F. orthoconium Wollenweber because the epithet orthosporum was already occupied in Fusarium (Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1902). Bilal (1977) treated the species as a variety of Fusarium microcera Bilai.

Fusarium orthoconium is generally not included in the modern treatments of Fusarium (Booth, 1971; Nelson et al., 1983). Gerlach and Nirenberg (1982) regarded the species as doubtful and published a translation of Wollenweber's diagnosis and illustration (Wollenweber, 1943; Wollenweber & Reinking, 1935).

Reexamination of the isotype specimen of Microcera orthosporum has shown it not to be typical of Fusarium. The late Dr. Ross McNabb, who also recollected this fungus and compared the recent collections to the isotype specimen, suggested that it is a species of Mycogloea Olive (Auriculariales). The so-called Fusarium conidia are, in fact, deciduous metabasidia. Unfortunately, McNabb never published his findings. Accordingly, the species is recombined in Mycogloea.

The fungus appears to be parasitic on a pyrenomycete stroma. It could be a synonym of Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Br.) McNabb but unfortunately no material of this species was available for examination.

TYPE. New Zealand. Wellington: York Bay, on Nothofagus sp., 1920, E. H. Atkinson (isotype, PDD 1101).
Sporodochia sessilia, e cortice erumpentia, magnitudine varia, crassa, plerumque 2-8 mm diam., intense salmonicoloria vel aurantiaca, usque 2 mm crassa, pulvinata, superficie subgyrose lobata; hyphae steriles rectius, lindraeeo-filiformes, usque 200 µ longae, 2-4 µ crassae, hyalinae, continuae, crasse tunicatae, sive simplices, sive hint inde ramulos paucos simplices gerentes, hyphae fertiles plerumque breves, 15-40 µ longae, tenues, ca. 1 - 1 1/2 µ crassae, ramulosae; conidia plerumque cylindracea, indistincte 3-5-, plerumque 3-4-septata, non constricta, ad apicem rotundata, ad basim saepius obtuse attenuata, hyalina, recta, raro tantum leniter curvata, 42-58 x 3 ½ -4 µ.
Von den bisher bekannten Arten der Gattung unterscheidet sick die neue Spezies besonders durch die geraden, nur selten schwach gekrümmten Konldlen, die keine fußzellige Basis besitzen und daher mit den echten Arten der Gattung übereinstimmen.
Der Pilz bildet verhältnismäßig große, trocken sehr harte, intensiv rot gefärbte dicke Lager, die dine vielfach gewunden-gelappte Oberfläche aufweisen. Die fertilen Hyphen sind sehr zart and verhältnismäßig kurz, reichlich kurz verzweigt and tragen an den Spitzen je dine Konidie. Dazwischen wachsen sehr lange, dicke, nicht septierte, moist gerade sterile Hyphen hervor, die nicht oder nur wenig verzweigt sind.
Hab. in cortice vivo Nothofagi spec., York Bay, Wellington, 8.3.1920, leg. E. H. Atkinson (no. 1011).

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Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb (1965)
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb (1965)
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb (1965)
Mycogloea orthospora (Syd.) McNabb ex Dingley 1989
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965

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Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Mycogloea macrospora (Berk. & Broome) McNabb 1965
New Zealand

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scientific name
19 April 2002
18 August 2022
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