Trichoderma semiorbis (Berk.) Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2013

Cultures slower growing than those of H. rufa, H. hunua, H. atrogelatinosa and H. schweinitzii, translucent, becoming floccose on the outer zone accompanied by conidial formation, yellow or bright green when mature. Conidia formed in cultures nine to ten days old, rarely pigmenting media. Mycelium 3-5 µ thick. Conidiophores produced singly or in tufts, simple or branched, terminating in a whorl of 2-3 phialides; latter are also formed as lateral branches of conidiophores immediately below the transverse septa. Phialides flask-shaped, sometimes with ends attenuated, 4-6 x 2-3 µ. Conidia globose or oval, 2.5-5 x 2.5-3 µ, echinulate and pigmented.
Chlamydospores usually intercalary, globose, 7.5-9 µ diameter.
Although slow growing in culture, conidia and conidiophores are typical of those of T. viride.