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Calycina parvispora (Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu 2023

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Calycina parvispora (Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu in Wu & Diao, Fungal Diversity 119 285 (2023)
Calycina parvispora (Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu 2023

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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W.P. Wu
Nag Raj & S. Hughes
(Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu
Calycina parvispora

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Colony effuse, brown, hairy, with thin white bloom of conidia. Mycelium immersed and also, here and there, thinly aggregated at the surface, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 1.2-2.5 µm wide with some cells swollen up to 3.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary and scattered, straight or variously bent, subcylindrical, dark brown below, progressively paler toward the apex, with walls thickened (to 1.8 µm) below and thinner above, 95-190 µm long, usually somewhat inflated up to 10 µm and 2- or 3-lobed at the immediate base then cylindrical, 3.7-5.0 µm wide and 9- to 15-septate, the septa being closer together toward the distal end; the Conidiophoee terminates in a phialide. Phialides lageniform, 34-47 µm long, composed of a subcylindrical venter about half the length of a phialide, and a terminal, cylindrical collarette 2.3-3.1 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical with a bluntly rounded apex and a flattened, marginally frilled base, hyaline, 1-celled, (3.5-) 4.5-5.5 (-6.0) x 1.5-2.0 µm, observed in long chains.
HABITAT: on decayed Cyathea medullaris.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae, strato tenui, albido conidiorum obtectae. Mycelium immersum et hic illic superficiale tenuiter aggregatum, ex hyphis subhyalinis vel brunneis, 1.2-2.5 µm lat., aliquot cellulis inflatis ad 3.5 µm lat., compositum. Conidiophora solitaria et sparsa, recta vel varie flexa, subcylindrica, infra atrobrunnea, apicem versus pallescentia, 95-190 µm long., ad bassas 2-3-lobata et ad 10 µm lat. inflata, supra basim 3.7-5.0 µm lat., 9-15-septata, in phialidem desinentia. Phialides lageniformes, 34-47 µm long., ex ventro subcylindrico, dimidio longitudinis phialidis, et collo terminali, cylindrico 2.3-3.1 µm lat. desinentes. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice obtusi-rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, hyalina, unicellularia, (3.5-) 4.5-5.5 (-6.0) x 1.5-2.0 µm, in catenas longas observata. HABITAT: in Cyatheae medullaris putrescentibus. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30406 (DAOM 110036).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, J. Dingley, PDD 30406 (type) (DAOM 110036).

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Calycina parvispora (Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu 2023
Calycina parvispora (Nag Raj & S. Hughes) W.P. Wu 2023

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scientific name
11 April 2023
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