Geranium solanderi Carolin

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Geranium solanderi Carolin, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 89: 350 (1964)
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi
Vernacular names
Geranium solanderi Carolin
n = 26 bivalents
2n = c. 24
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Most specimens of New Zealand G. solanderi belong to one or other of two forms. One form matches exactly the type (Forster, "Habitat in New Zealand" K!) and on account of its showy flowers is nicknamed here G. solanderi "large petals". The second form, with smaller paler flowers and densely hairy leaves has a very different appearance and is nicknamed here G. solanderi "coarse hairs". It will be seen from the following descriptions (which are based entirely on New Zealand material) that these two forms differ in a good many other characters. The reason for not giving them varietal or subspecifid rank is, briefly, that their distinctness is lost in Australia — see further below. The word "form" is used only for convenience, without implication of taxonomic rank. G. solanderi "large petals" Perennial herb; taproot napiform, to c. 2.5 cm diam., flesh pale yellow; caulorrhiza short, thick, bearing spirally-arranged basal leaves and long axillary procumbent to weakly ascending flowering stems. Pubescent on most parts; the longer hairs pointed, straight to slightly curved, seldom with a prominent raised base; glandular hairs short-stalked, inconspicuous (often absent ?). Basal leaves with paired narrow triangular stipules; petiole terete, sometimes pink distally, to c. 30 cm long × 0.2 cm diam., pubescent esp. distally, the long hairs fine, ± straight, us. 1-1.5 mm long, patent, shorter straight and crisped retrorse hairs also present. Lamina ± orbicular in outline, to c. 7 cm diam., occ. pink on margins and abaxial veins; lobes deep, us. (5) or 7 per leaf, obovate; larger lobes with (3- ) 5(-9) teeth; median and larger lateral teeth ± oblong, c. 2:1 length:breadth, us. obtuse, mucronate. Lamina us. glabrous above except for curved antrorse hairs c. 1 mm long in an c. 1 mm wide band along the margin, rarely sparsely pubescent; similar hairs on abaxial surface above the larger veins. Flowering stems glabrescent with age, hairs as on petioles. Cauline leaves opposite, as basal leaves but smaller, us. 3 or 5 lobes per leaf; teeth us. 3 or 5 per lobe, obtuse to subacute. Flowers twinned (occ. single if early or late in season); peduncle and pedicel hairs as petioles. Sepals 5, enlarging in fruit then ovate, outer sepals c. 5.5 mm long × 3.5 mm wide not including an awn us. < 1 mm long, inner sepals slightly narrower. Sepals abaxially pubescent; hairs to c. 1.5 mm long, straight to slightly curved, antrorse and ascending, most prominent near outer margins of sepals, shorter hairs elsewhere, glandular hairs few and inconspicuous (often absent ?). Petals 5, us. rose-pink, obovate, weakly emarginate, c. 7.5 mm long × 4.5 mm wide; expanded corolla c. 12 mm diam. Stamens 10, to c. 4.5 mm long; dehiscence lines of anther purple, pollen yellow. In fruit mericarps dark brown, smooth, pubescent; rostrum to c. 15 mm long (incl. stigmata), pubescent, those hairs greater than 0.6 mm long mostly on proximal two-thirds of rostrum and seldom prominent at apex. Seed globular-oblong, c. 2 mm long × 1.6 mm diam., dark red-brown to almost black; dorsal alveolae deep, us. 5-6 sided isodiametric polygons c. 0.15 mm diam. G. solanderi "coarse hairs" Perennial herb; taproot cylindrical tapering distally, to c. 1.5 cm diam., flesh red-brown becoming paler internally; caulorrhiza short, thick, bearing spirally-arranged basal leaves and long axillary procumbent to weakly ascending flowering stems. Pubescent on all parts; the longer hairs pointed, curved, often with a prominent raised base; glandular hairs short-stalked, inconspicuous (often absent ?). Basal leaves with paired narrow triangular stipules; petiole terete, seldom pink distally, to c. 20 cm long × 1.5 mm diam.; densely pubescent esp. distally, the long hairs rather coarse, curved, us. 0.7-1.2 mm long, retrorse but never appressed, shorter straight and crisped retrorse hairs also present. Lamina ± orbicular in outline, to c. 6 cm diam., seldom pink on margins and abaxial veins; lobes moderately deep, us. 5 or 7 per leaf, obovate; larger lobes with (3-)5(-7) teeth; median and larger lateral teeth oblong to broad-triangular, c. 1.7:1 length:breadth, obtuse to subacute, mucronate. Lamina pubescent above, marginally and below, hairs curved, c. 1 mm long, antrorse, with raised bases making the lamina finely tuberculate. Flowering stems glabrescent with age, hairs as petioles. Cauline leaves opposite, as basal leaves but smaller, us. 3 or 5 lobes per leaf; teeth 3(-5) per lobe, subacute. Rowers twinned (occ. single if early or late in season); peduncle and pedicel hairs as petioles. Sepals 5, enlarging in fruit, then ovate, outer sepals c. 4.5 mm long × 2.75 mm wide not including an awn us. 1-1.2 mm long, inner sepals slightly narrower. Sepals abaxially pubescent, hairs to c. 1.2 mm long, curved, antrorse and ascending, most prominent near outer margins; shorter hairs elsewhere, glandular hairs few and inconspicuous (often absent ?). Petals 5, pale pink, obovate, weakly emarginate, c. 5 mm long × 3.5 mm wide; expanded corolla c. 8 mm diam. Stamens 10, to c. 3.5 mm long, dehiscence lines of anther purple, pollen, pale yellow. In fruit mericarps dark brown, smooth, pubescent; rostrum to c. 13 mm long (incl. stigmata), pubescent, those hairs greater than 0.6 mm occ. along full length of rostrum and us. plentiful at apex. Seed globular-oblong, c. 1.8 mm long × 1.3 mm diam., dark red-brown to almost black; dorsal alveolae deep, us. 4(-6) sided c. 0.2 mm long × 0.13 mm wide.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
(2) " Coarse hairs" of Gardner (1984, loc. cit.). Taproot cylindric, tapering below; lamina of lf densely hairy above; hairs of petioles and pedicels retrorse or antrorse, to c. 1.2 mm long; petals < 5.5 × 4 mm; alveolae of seed mostly 4-5-(6)-sided, longer than wide.
Taxonomic concepts
Geranium carolinianum var. australe (Benth.) Fosberg
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium dissectum f. tasmanica Gand.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium dissectum var. australe Benth.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium dissectum var. pilosum Hook.f.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium drummondii Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium pilosum Sol. ex Willd.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium pilosum Willd.
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium pilosum G.Forst
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Geranium solanderi f. "large petals"
Geranium solanderi Carolin
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
14 September 2023