Picris hieracioides L.

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Picris hieracioides L., Sp. Pl. 792 (1753)
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides
Vernacular names
Picris hieracioides L.
Biennial herb up to 1 m. tall; stem branched in inflorescential region, arising from stout taproot, ribbed, densely clad in stout bristles c. 2 mm. long, ∞ axis; the bristles shorter, finer and less dense on branches. Basal lvs up to 10 × 2 cm.; oblanceolate, cuneately narrowed to subamplexicaul base. Stem-lvs lanceolate-oblong, sessile by broad subamplexicaul base, diminishing to linear bracts of infl. Capitula few to many; sub-corymbosely arranged, on long hispid pedicels; 1-1·5 cm. long, 1 cm. diam. Outer phyll. 4-6 mm. long, linear, ± hispid, often bearing cottony wool. Inner phyll. erect, subequal, c. 8-10 mm. long, indumentum similar. Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, narrow-oblong, compressed, abruptly narrowed to very short beak. Pappus-hairs unequal, up to 6 mm. long, slender, sparsely plumose with long slender hairs.
Picris hieracioides L.
Biennial to perennial. Stem erect, branched above, grooved, 30-80 cm tall, with sparse to dense spreading bristly hairs each bearing 2 recurved barbs at apex. Lvs with spreading bristles, each bristle with 2 recurved barbs at apex. Basal lvs linear-oblanceolate, subentire to bluntly dentate, acute or subacute, 5-15 × 0.5-2 cm, tapered to short narrowly winged petiole. Stem lvs similar, the uppermost sessile, linear, subauriculate. Capitula numerous. Involucre 8-11 mm long; outer bracts linear-lanceolate, narrowly acute at apex, with short crisped hairs, bristly on midrib, c. ⅔ length of inner bracts; inner bracts similar. Corolla yellow, c. 11/2× length of involucre. Achenes fusiform, transversely wrinkled, red-brown, glabrous; body 3.5-5.5 mm long; beak very short or 0. Pappus dirty white, 2-rowed, the outer ciliolate, the inner plumose.
Taxonomic concepts
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides var. glabrata Hook.f.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides L.
Picris hieracioides var. glabrata Hook.f.
Picris hieracioides L.
Identification keys
Heenan et al 1999 note :As there have been no additional collections of P. hieracoides located in New Zealand herbaria, this species is probably extinct here ."
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 June 2006