Usnea Dill. ex Adans.

Usnea Dill. ex Adans., Fam. Pl. 2, 7 (1763)
Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
Dill. ex Adans.
- Usnea acromelana
- Usnea angulata
- Usnea antarctica
- Usnea arida
- Usnea articulata
- Usnea aurescens
- Usnea baileyi
- Usnea barbata
- Usnea capillacea
- Usnea ciliata
- Usnea ciliifera
- Usnea contexta
- Usnea cornuta
- Usnea dasaea
- Usnea dasypogoides
- Usnea fasciata
- Usnea flavocardia
- Usnea florida
- Usnea inermis
- Usnea maculata
- Usnea molliuscula
- Usnea nidifica
- Usnea oncodes
- Usnea pseudocapillaris
- Usnea pulverulenta
- Usnea pusilla
- Usnea rubicunda
- Usnea rubrotincta
- Usnea simplex
- Usnea societatis
- Usnea sphacelata
- Usnea spilota
- Usnea subcapillaris
- Usnea subeciliata
- Usnea subgen. Dolichousnea
- Usnea sulphurea
- Usnea tenerior
- Usnea torquescens
- Usnea torulosa
- Usnea trichodeoides
- Usnea trichodeoides
- Usnea undulata
- Usnea wirthii
- Usnea xanthophana
- Usnea xanthopoga
Thallus fruticose, tufted, erect or ± pendulous and straggling, to 15 cm long, saxicolous, attached by a basal holdfast. Branches terete, radial in structure, consisting of a central chondroid axis, medulla and cortex, ± branched, with or without lateral fibrils. Surface yellow or greenish-yellow, ± variegated with black or purplish-black. Medulla lax and arachnoid or compact, K+ or -. Chondroid axis 073 to 064 diam. of branch in thickness, hard, opaque or corneous, cylindrical or slightly irregular. Isidia absent. Soredia present or absent, when present in rounded or irregular soralia, concave-eroded to convex-pulvinate, pulverulent to compacted or granular, yellow to blackish. Apothecia when present geniculate, lateral on branches, lecanorine, with or without ray-like branchlets, thalline exciple smooth or warted or wrinkled, concolorous with thallus, disc black or bluish-black, matt or slightly shining, never pruinose. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, ellipsoid to subglobose, colourless, 3-5 × 5-8(-10) µm.
Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
Thallus fruticose, erect to pendulous or decumbent, radial, ± filamentous, simple to complexly branched, branches often attached to substrate by a holdfast, primary branches stout, tapering towards apices of secondary branches, ± terete or angled or partly flattened, smooth, or faveolate, waxy or shining, with or without spinules, pseudoisidia, papillae, fibrils, or soredia, yellowish, straw-coloured to pale greenish-blackened near holdfast in some species with or without red pigmentation. Medulla variable in thickness with a central chondroid axis of longitudinal hyphae, usually solid, tough, cartilaginous. Photobiont green, . Apothecia lecanorine, lateral or subterminal, disc rounded, plane or subconcave, surrounded by a thalline margin and furnished with ray-like branchlets, smooth, or minutely warted, often pruinose, exciple smooth and waxy to wrinkled-verrucose or papillate. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, colourless, ellipsoid.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
17 December 2010