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Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002

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Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 40 111 (2002)
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae
New Zealand: Marlborough Sounds: Te Matai, Mistletoe Bay, on fallen leaves of Coprosma grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1310, 9 May 1997, holotype PDD 70137

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Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MARLBOROUGHSOUNDS: Mt Stokes Track, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1332, 11 May 1997,PDD 70138. NELSON: Karamea Bluff, Large Matai Track, on Coprosma sp., P. R. Johnston D580 & E.M. Gibellini, 25 May 1989, PDD 58116; vic. Westport, Denniston Plateau Walkway, on C.grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D581 & E. M. Gibellini, 25 May 1989, PDD 58110; Karamea, Oparara River Valley, Limestone Arch Track, on C. grandifolia, P.R. Johnston D609 & E. M. Gibellini, 26 May 1989, PDD 58183; vic. Karamea, Kohaihai, Nikau Walk, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1043, 11 May 1994, PDD 70141; vic. Karamea, northern side of Karamea Bluff, Lake Hanlon, on C. grandifolia, P.R. Johnston D1056, 11 May 1994, PDD 70136; vic.Karamea, Oparara River, Moira Arch Track, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1061, 12 May 1994, PDD 70135; vic. Karamea, Umere Rd, Virgin Creek, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1071, 12 May 1994, PDD 70143. NORTHLAND: Russell Forest, Punaruku Rd, Hori Wehi Wehi Track, on C.grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1105 & L. Morin, 8 Aug 1994, PDD 63504. TAUPO: Tongariro National Park, Ketetahi Springs Track, on C. ? grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D390, 19 May 1989, PDD 55578; Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mountain Rd, track near visitor centre, on C. grandifolia, P. R.Johnston D1359, 20 May 1998, PDD 70139; Pureora Forest, Mt Pureora, Link Track, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1432 & B. M. Spooner, 24 Aug 1999, PDD 70828. WELLINGTON: Kaitoke Regional Park, on C. grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1287, 7 May 1997, PDD 70144.
DESCRIPTION: Apothecia developing on both upper and lower surface of fallen leaves, associated with numerous, small, (4-)7-10(-25) mm diam., more or less round stromatic areas, leaf surface in these areas dark grey, margin marked by narrow black zone line, the stromatic areas contain small, round dark spots from which the apothecia arise. Apothecia erumpent from beneath epidermis, through what appear to be largely intact, although empty, epidermalcells, arising directly from the mass of hyphae filling the leaf; hyphae within host tissue packing the intercellular spaces, walls brown, highly gelatinised, plant cells still evident amongst the hyphae, although partly crushed. Apothecia 0.2-0.3 mm diam.,cupulate, more or less sessile; disc plane, orange-yellow to reddish brown when fresh, slightly darker, orange-brown when dry; receptacle concolorous with disc, glabrous. Ascomata release yellow-brown pigment in KOH. Ectal excipulum up to 40 µm thick, textura globosa to textura angularis with elements oriented more or less perpendicular to receptacle surface, comprising angular to globose, 10-12.5 µm diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, refractive,outermost cells more or less free, containing bright red pigments. Medullary excipulum comprising more or less parallel rows of hyphae 3-4 µm diam. with walls thin, encrusted, pale brown to brown, nongelatinous (becoming gelatinous toward the base of the stipe). Subhymenium textura intricata comprising hyphae 2.5-4.5 µm diam. with walls brown,thin, nongelatinous. Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm diam., apex swollen to 2.5-4.5 µm diam., unbranched, in water containing reddish pigments, changing to bright red in KOH, then becoming colourless with addition of Melzer's reagent, about same length as asci. Asci (60-)65-75(-80) x 7-7.5(-8.5) µm, cylindric to subclavate, tapering slightly to subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex, apical pore amyloid, faint reaction apart from two intense spots on inside of wall, 8-spored, spores overlapping uniseriate, extending 50-60 µm from ascus apex. Ascospores (7.5-)8-9(-9.5) x 3.5-4(-4.5) µm (x- 8.5 x 3.9 µm,n = 22), oblong-elliptic, ends rounded, flattened one side, sometimes slightly curved, slightly wider in upper half, 0-septate, wall hyaline, thin, smooth.
DIAGNOSIS: Apothecia 0.2-0.3 mm diam., plus minusve sessilia, aurantiaco-brunnea; pigmentum luteobrunnea in KOH. Asci (60-)65-75(-80) x 7-7.5(-8.5) µm; ascosporae (7.5-)8-9(-9.5) x 3.5-4(-4.5) µm (x- 8.5 x 3.9 µm, n = 22), depresse ovatae, 0-septatae, hyalinae.
ETYMOLOGY: Refers to host substrate, and the small size of the apothecia compared with C. coprosmae.
HOLOTYPUS (here designated): New Zealand: Marlborough Sounds: Te Matai, Mistletoe Bay, on fallen leaves of Coprosma grandifolia, P. R.Johnston D1310, 9 May 1997, PDD 70137.

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Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. (2002)
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. (2002)

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Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus microcoprosmae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Marlborough Sounds: Te Matai, Mistletoe Bay, on fallen leaves of Coprosma grandifolia, P. R. Johnston D1310, 9 May 1997, holotype PDD 70137

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scientific name
24 May 2001
12 April 2002
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