Pernettya nana Colenso

Pernettya nana Colenso, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 23: 389 (1890 [1891])
Pernettya nana Colenso
Pernettya nana
Pernettya nana Colenso
Depressed shrub, with creeping and rooting branches, forming ± close dense mats up to c. 3 dm. diam.; branchlets ascending, up to ± 5 cm. long, sparingly setose when young, Lvs rather distant, alt., on very short petioles; lamina thick, coriac., oblong to lanceolate-oblong, (3)-4-6-(10) × 1-2-(3) cm., glab., acute to subacute; margins with 2-3 pairs of distinct to obscure denticles, hair-tipped when young. Fls solitary, us. 2-5 in the upper lf-axils, on glab. pedicels 3-4 mm. long; basal bracteoles 2-3-4-, us. a larger one near base of calyx. Calyx glab., very deeply cut into 5 ovate-triangular, acute or subacute, finely ciliolate lobes ± 2 mm. long. Corolla white to pink or red, urceolate, 3-4 mm. long; lobes short, obtuse, recurved. Stamens subexserted; filaments 3-4 mm. long, narrowly ribbonlike, gradually and regularly slightly widened to base; anther-cells with 2 short, rigid awns. Style erect, cylindric; stigma very minutely 5-lobed. Fr. white to pink to red, subglobose, ± 4 mm. diam.; persistent calyx sts with enlarged and succulent base, matching fr. in colour.
Pernettya nana Colenso
A small shrub of matted growth, main stems slender, prostrate and rooting, with ascending tips up to 5 cm long, but usually about 2 cm long. Branchlets glabrous or with a short dense pubescence. Leaves rather distant, alternate, 2-4 × 0.5-1.5 mm, shortly petiolate, elliptic or linear-elliptic, usually thick but not excessively so, margins with up to three microscopic dentations on either side, glabrous or with a dense pubescence on the upper surface, veins prominent. Flowers large, axillary and terminal. Pedicels up to 3 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, usually with two small basal bracts and two larger upper ones. Bracts ovate, margins ciliate. Margins of calyx ciliate, inner surface pubescent. Corolla glabrous within. Stamens as long as the style and nearly exserted. Filaments ribbon-like, 0.1 mm wide, gradually widening to 0.3 mm at the base, not papillose. Anthers 0.4-0.6 mm long with distinct blunt awns about 0.1 mm long. Fruit a pink globose berry 4--5 mm in diameter, seated in the persistent unchanged calyx.
Pernettya nana Colenso
Small, matted shrublet; main stems slender, prostrate and rooting, with ascending tips c. 2-(5) cm long. Branchlets glabrous or with short, dense hairs. Lvs rather distant, alternate, 2-4 × 0.5-1.5 mm, elliptic or narrow-elliptic, usually rather thick, glabrous or densely hairy on upper surface; margins with up to 3 microscopic dentations on either side; veins prominent. Fls solitary in upper lf axils, axillary and terminal. Pedicels to 3 mm long, glabrous or nearly so, usually with 2 small basal bracts and 2 larger upper bracts. Bracts ovate; margins ciliate. Calyx lobes ciliate. Corolla glabrous inside. Stamens = style and nearly exserted; filaments ribbon-like, gradually widening at base, not papillose. Anthers 0.4-0.6 mm long, with distinct blunt awns about 0.1 mm long. Fr. a pink globose berry, 4-5 mm diam.
Taxonomic concepts
Pernettya nana Colenso
Pernettya nana Colenso
Identification keys
scientific name
13 March 2002
4 July 2006