Myosotis goyenii Petrie

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Myosotis goyenii Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 23: 400 (1891)
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii
Petrie’s epithet goyenii honours fellow Inspector of Schools, naturalist and friend Peter Goyen (1845–1927), who found plants of this species near Arrowtown during his explorations on the South Island (Petrie 1891; Godley 1992).
Type: South Island. Lake Hawea, steep rocky faces on track on eastern side by lake, Feb. 1886, D. Petrie s.n. (lecto, designated by C. Lehnebach, Tuhinga 23: 25 (2012): WELT SP002484!*).
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Perennial herb with stout branched stock with one or several rosettes. Lvs spathulate, 3-7-(14) cm. × 3-14 mm., tip subacute, petiole longer than lamina; hairs alike on both surfaces, short, stiff, straight, closely appressed, barely overlapping, rather sparser on undersurface, clinging to margin. Lateral branches few, ascending or erect, sts again branched, 8-20-(30) cm. long, internodes c. = lvs. Uppermost stem-lvs 10-20 × 2-5 mm., narrow-oblong, sessile, tip acuminate-acute; hairs as on rosette-lvs but more crowded. Cymes ebracteate, on long lfless peduncles, simple or once (occ. twice) forked; internodes between lower fls becoming > calyx; pedicels occ. up to 5 mm. long. Calyx c. 4mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, very narrow, acute; hairs us. all short, straight, stiff and appressed as on rest of plant, very crowded at base, evenly covering lobes. Corolla "pale-yellow to nearly white", c. 7-10 mm. diam., tube 7-8 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, inconspicuous scales below mouth, lobes c. 3 × 3 mm.; filaments very short, fixed below (occ. much below) scales, anthers 1·5 mm. long, tips at or below level of scales; style much > calyx; stigma capitate. Nutlets 2·2 × 1.1 mm., the few seen long pointed and sharply keeled.
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Rosette loose; lvs spathulate; hairs short, stiff, straight, closely appressed, barely overlapping. Lateral branches ascending; internodes c. = lvs. Cymes ebracteate, usually simple; lower fls distant. Corolla pale yellow to white, c. 10 mm diam.; tube narrow-funnelform; anthers below scales.
Taxonomic concepts
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Myosotis goyenii Petrie
Type: South Island. Lake Hawea, steep rocky faces on track on eastern side by lake, Feb. 1886, D. Petrie s.n. (lecto, designated by C. Lehnebach, Tuhinga 23: 25 (2012): WELT SP002484!*).
Petrie’s epithet goyenii honours fellow Inspector of Schools, naturalist and friend Peter Goyen (1845–1927), who found plants of this species near Arrowtown during his explorations on the South Island (Petrie 1891; Godley 1992).
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 May 2021