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Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967

Scientific name record
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Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová in Marvanová et al., Persoonia 5 41 (1967)
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Höhn.) Marvanová
Gyoerffyella rotula

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Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967

MID CANTERBURY: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve, Fuchsia Falls, stream foam, 12 Sep 2001, PDD 74539
Description based on free conidia from foam sample. Conidia hyaline, central body 15–20 µm diam., including 4 spiral arms to 45 µm diam., all septate, all strongly constricted at point of insertion into main axis.
New record from New Zealand. This is a highly distinctive genus of true aquatic or “Ingoldian” hyphomycetes, which was found in foam collected from a stream. It appears to be infrequently recorded everywhere and, in my experience in Britain and Ireland, it is associated with unpolluted waters. Two other species of Gyoerffyella were recorded for New Zealand by Aimer & Segedin (1985) in their study of Ingoldian fungi. This species is differentiated from the similar G. speciosa by having the final lateral arm (lower arm in Fig. 7) constricted at the point of insertion.

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Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová (1967)
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová (1967)
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová (1967)
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová (1967)
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967

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Gyoerffyella rotula (Höhn.) Marvanová 1967
[Not available]

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scientific name
30 October 2001
12 May 2003
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