Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk

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Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk, Gard. Chron. 1: 21, 512 (1884)
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
21, 512
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora
A very slender dwarf shrub spreading by very slender rhizomes, forming lax to rather compact patches up to c. 8 cm. tall. Branchlets up to 5 cm. × 1 mm., us. narrow, slightly compressed, finely striate, spreading, obtuse to subacute at apex. Fls 1-(2) on glab. peduncles, c. 8 mm. long, bracteoles minute; colouring much as in C. uniflora. Calyx-teeth obtuse to subacute; standard suborbicular; wings oblong, rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely elliptic-oblong, 10-(15) × 3-(4) mm., ± wrinkled. Seeds 2-4-(6), reniform, purplish black.
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
A dwarf glab. rhizomatous shrub forming lax to compact patches up to ± 6 cm. tall. Branchlets compressed, up to 25 × 1-1·5 mm., tapering towards blunt apex, finely striate. Infl. of solitary fl. or occ. paired fls, (6)-8-(10) × (4)-6 mm., on very slender, minutely bracted, sts sparsely hairy peduncles. Calyx c. 3 × 2 mm., campanulate, with short triangular, acute teeth; standard rounded, purplish towards base, whitish towards apex, purple-veined; wings < keel, whitish, purple-veined, auricles pointed; keel purple, auricles pointed. Ovary glab. Pods elliptic-oblong, ± 10 × 4 mm., subcompressed, very dark brown to black; beak slender, subulate, straight, c. 2 mm. long. Seeds 4-6, reniform, bluish black to black.
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
2n = 96
2n = c. 96
Dwarf, rhizomatous shrub, up to 20-40(-60) mm × 1 m, forming a dense mat or tufts of cladodes. Rhizomes becoming increasingly stout and woody with age, 50-200 × 1- 2.5 mm. Cladodes filiform, linear, striate, compressed, erect to spreading, green to green-yellow, glabrous, 20-40(-60) × 0.75-1.8(-2) mm; apex subacute, yellow to yellow- green; leaf nodes (2-)5- 7(-14). Leaves simple, broad-obovate to broad-elliptic, fleshy, entire, green, present on seedlings and absent on mature plants, 5.5-8 × 3-5 mm; adaxial and abaxial surfaces with scattered hairs; apex emarginate to retuse; base cuneate to narrow-obtuse; petiole sparsely hairy, 2-2.5 mm long. Leaves on cladodes reduced to a scale, triangular, glabrous, 0.6-1.5 × 0.8-1.4 mm; apex acute. Stipules free, triangular, 0.6-1.1 × 0.6-1.2 mm; adaxial surface glabrous; abaxial surface hairy when young, glabrous at maturity; apex acute to sub-acute; margin hairy. Inflorescence a raceme, 1 per node, each with 1(-2) flowers. Peduncle glabrous, occasionally sparsely hairy, green, 4-15 mm long. Bracts, triangular, glabrous, pale green, 0.5-0.8 × 0.5-0.8 mm; apex acute; margin hairy. Pedicel glabrous, occasionally sparsely hairy, pale green, 3-7.5 mm long. Bracteoles at top of pedicel, triangular to narrowtriangular, glabrous, green and occasionally flushed red, 0.2-0.3 × 0.1-0.2 mm; apex acute; margin hairy. Calyx campanulate, c. 2.5 × c. 2.5 mm; inner surface glabrous, green; outer surface glabrous or sparsely hairy, green. Calyx lobes triangular, flushed red, c. 0.5 mm long; apex acute; margin hairy or glabrous. Bud green. Standard obovate, patent, 8-10 × 6-8 mm; adaxial surface white, central area purple, sometimes purple-green veined; abaxial surface green, margin cream-green, sometimes purple-green veined; apex retuse; claw pale green, c. 1.5 mm long. Wings oblong, shorter than keel, 5-6.5 × c. 2 mm; distal area of adaxial surface purple, proximal area green; abaxial surface white, sometimes purpleveined; auricle triangular, pale green, apex obtuse, c. 1.25 mm long; claw pale green. Keel (Fig. 1C) 6- 8 × 2.5-3 mm; distal area of adaxial surface purple, proximal area pale green; distal area of abaxial surface dark, proximal area pale green; auricle triangular, pale green, c. 0.75 mm long, with obtuse apex; claw pale green, 2-2.5 mm long. Stamens 7.5-9 mm long; lower filaments connate for c. 2A length and outside filaments free for 1.5-2.5 mm. Pistil exserted beyond stamens, c. 10 mm long; style with a ring of hairs below stigma; ovules 9-11. Pod ellipticoblong, laterally compressed, weakly falcate, black, brown, or grey, one valve dehiscent from base, 7.5- 13 × 3—4 mm; beak on adaxial suture, slightly upturned, stout, pungent, 1.5-2 mm long. Seeds oblong-reniform, (2-)4—6(-9) per pod, black, brown, tan, or olive green, 1.2-2 × 1-1.5 mm. FL Oct-Mar, FT Nov-May.
Taxonomic concepts
Carmichaelia suteri Colenso
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
Carmichaelia uniflora var. suteri (Colenso) G.Simpson
Carmichaelia uniflora var. suteri (Colenso) G.Simpson
Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
According to Heenan, the correct protologue is Kirks article in the Gardener's Chronicle, effectively published on 19 April 1884, one month earlier than Kirk's Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute article, which was probably intended to be the original publication
scientific name
1 January 2000
31 May 2004