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Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones

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Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones in Garnock-Jones et al., Taxon 56: 579 (2007)
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones

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New Zealand
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replacement name
The epithet acuta could not be transferred from Heliohebe to Veronica because another species, Veronica acuta Mart., Pl. Hort. Erlang.: 12 (1814), has that name.
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea
The epithet scrupea means of sharp stones, a reference to the shattered argillite cliffs and rock outcrops where the plants grow.

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Shrub, 0.05-0.2 m tall. Branches ascending to erect; branchlets red-brown to grey with thick corky bark; vegetative internodes 1-4 mm long. Stem pubescence bifarious or uniform, eglandular; eglandular stem hairs patent or deflexed. Leaves erecto-patent; lamina lanceolate to oblanceolate, coriaceous and rigid, folded, 5-15 × 2-6 mm; apex acute; base cuneate; margin red, rounded, smooth, crenate to serrate, teeth in 3-8 pairs. Adaxial surface of leaves with minute twin, headed glandular hairs on midrib, green to bronze green, dull, with scattered stomata. Abaxial surface of leaves glabrous, pale green, dull, with numerous stomata. Midrib depressed to grooved above. Petiole not winged, 1-5 mm long. Inflorescence with (30)50-70 flowers, 1-2 cm long; peduncle 0.3- 0.6 cm long; rachis 0.5-1.5 cm long, pubescent; bracts opposite and decussate, acute, ciliate with both eglandular and rare glandular hairs, deltoid. Pedicels eglandular-pubescent, much shorter than bracts, 0- 0.2 mm long. Calyx divisions equally deep; calyx 2.8-3.3 mm long; calyx lobes 4, all similar, ovate to deltoid, subacute to obtuse, glandular- and eglandular-ciliate. Corolla 4-5 mm diam., bright pink at anthesis, mauve after pollination, throat pink; corolla tube 1.8-2.0 mm long, 1 mm wide, cylindric to funnelform, shorter than calyx, glabrous; corolla lobes glabrous; posterior corolla lobe longer than tube, elliptic to ovate, obtuse, spreading to recurved; lateral corolla lobes elliptic, subacute to obtuse, spreading; anterior corolla lobe elliptic to lanceolate, acute to obtuse, spreading. Stamen filaments coloured, inserted about middle of corolla tube, 1.0- 1.2 mm long; anthers pale yellow. Nectarial disk ciliate. Ovary globose to ellipsoid, emarginate, glabrous, 0.8 × 0.7 mm, 0.7 mm thick. Ovules 10- 20 per locule. Style 3.0-3.8 mm long, 0.17-0.2 mm thick, glabrous, pink to dark mauve. Stigma bilobed (sometimes 4-lobed), white to yellow at anthesis, 0.2-0.3 mm wide. Capsule turgid, truncate to emarginate, dark brown, 2.0-2.5 × 1.0-1.5 mm, 1.5 mm thick, glabrous. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1/3-way to base. Seeds not seen.
Suffrutices parvi, ramunculosi; cortex crassus; a H. raoulii foliis angustioribus, ad medium latissimis, acutis, dentibus foliorum pluribus; pilis caulium inflorescentiarumque brevioribus; lobis calycis quatuor, liberis; corolla staminibus et stylis parvioribus, intensius coloratis; antheris pallidioribus; stigmate lobato, in alabastro incluso vel vix exserto differt.

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Heliohebe acuta Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Veronica scrupea Garn.-Jones
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District

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The epithet scrupea means of sharp stones, a reference to the shattered argillite cliffs and rock outcrops where the plants grow.

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scientific name
28 September 2010
20 November 2023
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