Russula spinispora T. Lebel 2017

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Russula spinispora T. Lebel, Muelleria 36 13 (2017)
Russula spinispora T. Lebel 2017
T. Lebel
T. Lebel
replacement name
Russula spinispora
OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: NORTHLAND: Whangaruru, North Head Scenic Reserve, R. E. Beever, 19 Dec 1984, PDD 55424.AUCKLAND: West Auckland, Goldie Bush, Mokoroa Falls track, R. E. Beever, 1 Jan 1993, PDD 61991. COROMANDEL: Little Barrier Island, Summit Track, E. P. Laracy, 15 Jun 1984, PDD 55426. SOUTH ISLAND: BULLER: Murchison, Matakitaki Scenic Reserve, R. E. Beever 1524, 29 Mar 1996, PDD 65743.
Basidiomata 12-19 x 10-16 mm, subglobose to slightly irregular. Peridial surface dry, smooth, with some shallow pitting, initially off-white to pale brown then dark brown with the lower peridium whitish streaking dark in some basidiomata. Some basidiomata with powdery texture to peridium, powder rubbing off easily. Gleba off-white to ivory initially blackening with age, loculate, chambers small, crowded, regular in size and shape. Stipe absent or present as small exserted basal pad, 1-2 mm long x 1-2 mm wide, white. Columella sometimes present as thin translucent strand, 1-2 mmwide, percurrent or not. Odour sharp, of acetylene, and taste mild, not distinctive. Latex absent. Peridiopellis 60-165 µm wide, a trichodermium of septate, inflated hyphae 3-8.5 µm diam., appearing as a layer of irregularly shaped cells 45-80 µm wide, extending into a dense to patchy turf of upright to repent, septate, brown-walled hyphae, 25-85 µm wide, with terminal cells 4-13 x 3-11 µm, elongated clavate, cylindrical, obvate or pyriform. Peridial context 40-110 µm wide, of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-4 µm diam. Sphaerocysts and endocystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama 23-39 µm wide, of interwoven, inflated, hyaline hyphae 2-6.5 µm diam., sphaerocysts absent. Subhymenium 13-21 µm wide, of branched hyphae with some inflated cells forming 1-3 tiers of irregular cells 5-11 µm diam. Basidia 24-39 x 6-12 µm, hyaline, clavate to cylindrical, with 2 robust sterigmata 4-8 µm long x 1-2.5 µm wide. Cystidia absent. Spores 8-10.9 x 8-10.4 µm (9.89 ± 0.26 x 9.5 ± 0.31), Q = 1.02-1.05, globose, orthotropic. Ornamentation amyloid, crowded, of fine, isolated spines 0.8-2 µm high. Hilar appendix small, hyaline, central; plage absent. Spore colour in mass white.
HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION: Hypogeous, in small clusters under leaf litter in Leptospermum scopariumscrub and Nothofagus truncatus or N. fusca forest. Fruiting period Dec-Jan, Jun.
Gasterocarpus 12-19 x 10-16 mm, subglobosus vel irregularis. Peridium initio album deine brunneum. Gleba albida vel ebernea, in maturitas denigricans, loculata. Stipes nullus; columella nulla vel interdum percurrens, albida. Peridiopellis trichodermium ex hyphis inflatus 3-8.5 µm latis subter caespite ex cellulis terminalis erectis vel repentibus, 4-13 x 3-11 µm compositum. Basidia 24-37 x 7-12 µm, 2 sporigera. Cystidia nulla. Sporae 8-10.5 x 8-10.2 µm, globosae, spinis aggregatis ad ± 1 µm altis amyloidibus ornatis.
ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the brown basidiomata, from the Latin fuscus meaning brown.
NOTES: The dark peridium, lack of stem, and 2-spored basidia are a unique combination of characters in the sequestrate fungi of New Zealand. Gymnomyces fuscus resembles Macowanites rubroluteus in the fine spinose spore ornamentation and sometimes dark appearance of the peridium, but these two species differ in a number of features. G.fuscus has 2-spored basidia and lacks hymenial cystidia, while M. rubroluteus has 2-, 3-, and 4-spored basidia and hymenial cystidia are present.
HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, North Island, Auckland, West Auckland, Goldie Bush, Mokoroa Falls track, R. E. Beever 1306, 1 Jan 1992, PDD 61990.
Taxonomic concepts
Gymnomyces fuscus T. Lebel
Gymnomyces fuscus T. Lebel (2002)
Russula spinispora T. Lebel 2017
Russula spinispora T. lebel 2017
Russula spinispora T. Lebel 2017
scientific name
17 November 2017
17 December 2024