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Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones in Garnock-Jones et al., Taxon 56: 580 (2007)
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones

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New Zealand
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(L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria

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Trim low-growing much-branched shrub. Branchlets bifariously rather coarsely pubescent, length of internodes 1-2 × diam. Lvs erecto-patent, almost imbricate and hiding upper part of stem, c. 12 × 6 mm., broad-elliptic to almost obovate, glaucous and slightly fleshy, drying dark brown with grey bloom; lf-bud without sinus; tip subacute, lamina narrowed gradually to rather broad base, entire, glab. except for scattered short hairs above midrib. Infls lateral, simple, little exceeding lfy tip of branch; peduncle short and hidden, shortly hairy. Bracts 1-1·5 mm. long, ciliolate, us. c. = pedicels. Calyx-lobes 1·5-2 mm. long, rather broad, obtuse to subacute, membr. border very narrow, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube broad, > calyx, lobes c. = tube, rounded. Capsule erect, subacute, glab., c. 2 × calyx.

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Hebe topiaria L.B.Moore
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Hebe topiaria L.B.Moore
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones

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Veronica topiaria (L.B.Moore) Garn.-Jones
[Not available]

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scientific name
10 February 2011
7 January 2023
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