Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev., Kew Bull. 16 382 (1963 [1962])
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
This doubtful species was described in Cantharellus by Cleland although he commented that it was probably better placed in Omphalia. Type material has not been studied.
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Pileus 0.5-1 cm. diam., light brown, darker at centre and with dark radial striations, convex, umbilicate, tending to be crimped or waved at edge, matt to subfibrillose; flesh brown. Gills decurrent, forking in larger specimens, distant. Stipe 1-1.5 cm. X l-2 mm., fawn to light brown, velvety to subfibrillose, fringed with white hyphae at base, solid, rather tough. Spores 7 X 5 µm., hyaline. Basidia 30-35 X 5 µm. four-spored.
habitat: attached to moss or rooting on banks in the bush, Wellington Botanic Garden, 2.6.19491 Levin, 18.6.1949, both Stevenson.
Gleland remarks, 'This species is probably better placed under Omphalia', but, as it has Hygrophoroid basidia and gill trama it is here placed in Hygrophorus subgenera. Hygrocybe. The exact colour of the spore print needs to be determined.
Taxonomic concepts
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus brunneus sensu G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
taxonomic status
This is phylogenetically related to O. rivulicola but not identical. Stevenson's concept of Hygrophorus brunneus agrees with Omphalina rivulicola aff. NZ.
scientific name
18 July 2001
17 May 2023