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Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004

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Brayford & Samuels
(Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels
Neonectria discophora var. rubi

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Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004

Type: Corticolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata stromatic, perithecial, scattered or sometimes in clusters of 2–3, ovoid to globose, orange-red becoming dark reddish brown to almost black, smooth, 0.3–0.5 mm in diameter, ostiole papillate, superficial, on a poorly-developed stroma; on canes near soil level. Asci cylindrical, 80–120 × 5–9 cm. Ascospores broadly elliptical, 1-septate, 12–16 × 5–7, smooth, hyaline. Conidia not seen in New Zealand collections.
Distribution: Auckland, Taupo, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough.; 1st Record: Anonymous (1945: as Nectria rubi).
Significance: Associated with crown-rot of raspberries but of minor economic importance.; Host(s): Rubus fruticosus agg., R. idaeus.

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Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels (2004)
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels (2004)
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels (2004)
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004
Neonectria discophora var. rubi (Osterw.) Brayford & Samuels 2004

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Cylindrocarpon ianthothele var. ianthothele

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scientific name
27 November 2003
21 February 2014
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