Ourisia macrophylla Hook.

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Ourisia macrophylla Hook., Icon. Pl. 6, t. 545-546 (1843)
Ourisia macrophylla Hook.
t. 545-546
Ourisia macrophylla Hook.
Ourisia macrophylla
Vernacular names
- Ourisia colensoi Hook.f.
- Ourisia lactea subsp. drucei (L.B.Moore) Arroyo
- Ourisia macrophylla Hook. var. macrophylla
- Ourisia macrophylla subsp. robusta (Colenso) Arroyo
- Ourisia macrophylla var. drucei L.B.Moore
- Ourisia macrophylla var. meadii L.B.Moore
- Ourisia macrophylla var. robusta (Colenso) G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Ourisia robusta Colenso
Stem prostrate and rooting, us. < 1 cm. diam., terminating in tuft of ± erect lvs. Lamina submembr., c. 1-3 cm. × 8-20 mm., ovate, regularly shallowly crenate-dentate, base rounded, upper surface uniformly and rather closely covered with short hairs, hairs on undersurface confined to veins; petiole channelled, narrow, us. > lamina, with scattered to crowded hairs. Peduncle hairy, erect, much > lvs, rarely > 20 cm. tall in fr., us. with 2 or 3 ± sessile cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in (1)-2-3 whorls, 2-5-(7) per whorl, subentire and decreasing in size upwards; hairs almost confined to margins. Pedicels up to as many as bracts in each whorl and longer, up to 3 cm. long, clad in flexuous tapering non-glandular hairs. Calyx-clefts all reaching almost to base; lobes c. 5-6 × 1 mm., entire, acute to subacute, hairs few to many, non-glandular. Corolla 15-20 mm. diam., hairs on outside of tube sts sparse or confined to base of posterior lobes.
Ourisia macrophylla Hook.
Stem prostrate and rooting, 1-2 cm. diam., terminating in tuft of ± erect lvs. Lamina subcoriac., 4-10-(15) cm. long, very broadly to very narrowly ovate, regularly and shallowly dentate-crenate, upper surface glab. to hairy, undersurface with hairs, if any, confined to veins; petiole channelled, narrow, > lamina. Peduncle erect, much > lvs, up to 60 cm. tall in fr., us. with a whorl of 2-4 ± sessile cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in 1-8 whorls, us. 4-∞ per whorl, becoming smaller and more nearly entire upwards. Pedicels as many as bracts in each whorl and longer, 3-5 cm. long, clad in short crowded glandular hairs. Calyx-clefts all reaching almost to base; lobes narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong, entire, acute to subacute. Corolla 15-20 mm. diam., with hairs on outside of tube.
Length of lf-lamina us. < 2 × width, us. broadest near ± truncate or rounded, rarely cuneate or cordate, base; upper surface definitely though sparsely hairy all over; petiole us. hairy all over as is peduncle. Calyx-lobes rarely > 7 mm. long.
Length of lf-lamina us. > 2 × width, base cuneate, upper surface us. slightly hairy near petiole; petiole us. hairy all over as is peduncle. Calyx-lobes 6-7 mm. long.
Lf-lamina longer than wide, us. broadest about middle with cuneate to subcordate base, upper surface quite glab.; petiole almost glab. except on the margins. Peduncles and calyx-lobes us. almost glab. calyx rarely > 7 mm. long. Outside of corolla, calyx, pedicels, and margins of lvs and petioles often flushed with red.
Taxonomic concepts
Ourisia colensoi Hook.f.
Ourisia lactea subsp. drucei (L.B.Moore) Arroyo
Ourisia macrophylla subsp. robusta (Colenso) Arroyo
Ourisia macrophylla var. drucei L.B.Moore
Ourisia macrophylla var. drucei L.B.Moore
Ourisia macrophylla Hook. var. macrophylla
Ourisia macrophylla var. meadii L.B.Moore
Ourisia macrophylla var. meadii L.B.Moore
Ourisia macrophylla var. robusta (Colenso) G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Ourisia macrophylla var. robusta (Colenso) G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Ourisia robusta Colenso
scientific name
1 January 2000
19 September 2006