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Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006

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Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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New Zealand types; but several specimens from Australia

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Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
Trichoderma vinosum
New Zealand, Waitaki, [?Berggren] 307, holotype K(M). Epitype PDD 88476 (designated Jaklitsch et al 2006), isotype PDD 88906, ex epitype ICMP 16294. isotype PDD 88906

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Orbicularis, convexa, atro-vinosa (2-3 mm.), ostiolia vix distincta. Ascis cylindraceis. Sporidiis dissilientibus, cellulis sub-globosis (0.306-0.007 mm.), hyalinis.
Sporidia larger than in H. rufa, which it somewhat resembles in habit.
On dead wood. Waitaki (307).
Stroma irregularly shaped, sometimes more or less discoidal, 2-5 mm. diameter, 1-0.5 mm. thick, brown vinaceous, when fresh, chestnut brown, pulvinate, but wrinkled when dry, margins incurved, usually free, occasionally united to substratum; outer tissue pseudoparenchymatous, cells 3-5 µ diameter, pigmented and thickened, inner tissue prosenchymatous, sometimes a loosely aggregated pseudoparenchyma, cells 8-12 µ, hyaline, thin walled. Perithecia globose or oval, 150-200 µ diameter, compacted in a superficial zone, ostiole 60 µ long, not papillate; perithecial wall 10-15 µ thick, pigmented yellow, distinct. Asci 65-70 x 3-4 µ, cylindrical with 16 part-spores, uniseriate pseudoparaphyses effuse. Part-spores globose or cuboid, 3-3.5 µ diameter, oval or pyriform when 4-5.5 x 3-3-5 µ, hyaline, finely echinulate.
Type Locality: Waitaki, New Zealand.

Cultures similar to H. rufa but more or less tomentose rather than floccose, sometimes discolouring media yellow or isabelline. Mature conidia at first a yellowish green, becoming olivaceous. Mycelium 3-6 µ diameter. Conidiophores usually formed in tufts, verticillately branched immediately below the transverse septa. Phialides terminal, 3-5 x 2.5-3 µ, in whorls or as lateral branches of conidiophore. Conidia globose or oval, 2-4 x 2-2.5 µ, echinulate, pigmented.

Chlamydospores common, terminal or intercalary, usually globose, rarely pyriform, 6-7 µ diameter.

Cultures are typical of those of T. viride.

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New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
New Zealand
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Trichoderma vinosum Samuels 2006
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Waitaki, [?Berggren] 307, holotype K(M). Epitype PDD 88476 (designated Jaklitsch et al 2006), isotype PDD 88906, ex epitype ICMP 16294. isotype PDD 88906

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scientific name
27 April 2007
4 December 2015
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