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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 130 (1864)
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora
Refers to the many florets per capitulum.
Type: New Zealand. Middle [South] Island, Valley of Hopkins, sides of mountains, 2200–5000 ft., 1863, Haast 143 in Herbarium Hookerianum [the left-hand capitulum excluded] (lectotype K 882073, firststep lectotype designated by Allan (1961: 629), second-step lectotype designated by Saldivia 2023)

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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.

Tufted herb with stout woody simple or sparingly branched stock; lf-sheaths densely imbricating, forming a pseudo-stem. Lamina coriac., narrow- to narrowly obovate-oblong, ± 6-12-(1·5) × 1·5-2.5-(4) cm., obtuse or subacute; upper surface glab. or nearly so; lower densely clad in appressed white satiny tomentum; both with evident midrib; margins very slightly recurved, bluntly (sts apiculately) crenate-sinuate, narrowed to petiole of diverse dimensions; sheath strongly ribbed, glab. or very nearly so, c. 5 × 1 cm. Scape ± 15-25-(40) cm. long. glab., glandular-viscid, purplish, stout; bracts linear, lamina ± 25-40 mm. long, apiculate, clad below in white satiny tomentum. Capitula 25-40 mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, glab., viscid, up to c. 15 mm. long, ± hairy at tip. Ray-florets c. 15-20 mm. long, narrow; disk-florets 7-8 mm. long, funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular, c. 1 mm. long. Achenes compressed-cylindric, c. 6 mm. long, strongly grooved, with appressed silky hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs slender, up to c. 6 mm. long, white to sordid-white, barbellate.

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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.

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Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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Type: New Zealand. Middle [South] Island, Valley of Hopkins, sides of mountains, 2200–5000 ft., 1863, Haast 143 in Herbarium Hookerianum [the left-hand capitulum excluded] (lectotype K 882073, firststep lectotype designated by Allan (1961: 629), second-step lectotype designated by Saldivia 2023)
Refers to the many florets per capitulum.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 September 2024
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