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Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner, 19: 221 (1962)
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner

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New Zealand
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(Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii

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Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; bark dark brown; branchlets slender, flexuous; lenticels ∞. Lvs entire, dark green, coriac., 10-20 cm. long, up to 12 cm. wide, on stout petioles up to 15 mm. long; lamina ovate- to elliptic-oblong, obtuse to subacute, rounded to obliquely cordate at base; stipules lanceolate, caducous. Spikes solitary or paired, 5-12 cm. long, per.-segs 3-4 mm. diam., pubescent on back. ♂ with spreading segs; ♀ minute, in 2 irregular dense rows on flattened axis, segs appressed. Drupe globose, bright red, 8-9 mm. diam.

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Paratrophis smithii Cheeseman
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner

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Streblus smithii (Cheeseman) Corner
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
23 March 2006
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