Roridomyces austrororidus (Singer) Rexer 1994
Omphalia stellata (Fries) (8,16) Fig. 25 = Mycena veronicae Stevenson
The identification of this material (COLENSO 545 b) is confirmed by the typical club-shaped cells in the cuticle filled with a brown cell sap, decurrent gills, and the ovoid spores.
According to Singer (1969: 119) the type material of M. austrororida is kept in S. However, despite intensive search, the type collection was not located there.
Based upon our present knowledge M. austrororida is distributed in the sub-antartic region East (Juan Fernandez, southern parts of Chile and Argentina) and West (New Zealand) of the Pacific Ocean. Careful macroscopical and microscopical observations showed that there are no distinctive differences between the specimens cited above (compare also Fig. 5 and 6), with one exception: the cheilocystidia of the South American collections are more clavate-subcapitate as the ones observed on New Zealand specimens. Concerning luminescence of the carpophores no information has been reported yet.