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Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.

Scientific name record
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Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg., Opera Bot. 92: 176 (1987)
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis
From the Latin lateralis (lateral), a reference to the strobili that are characteristically borne laterally in this species.

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Rhizome much branched; aerial branches erect, stout, up to 3 dm. tall. Lvs close-set, spreading to ascending, up to 7 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate, acuminate, decurrent, mid-rib evident, margins ± revolute. Strobili lateral or terminal on short branchlets, sessile, ascending, up to 15 mm. or more long. Sporophylls imbricate, finally spreading, broad-ovate, abruptly acuminate, margins jagged.

Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.

2n = c. 122

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Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.

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Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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From the Latin lateralis (lateral), a reference to the strobili that are characteristically borne laterally in this species.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 June 2004
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