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Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris

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Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris in Perrie & Parris, New Zealand J. Bot. 50: 465 (2012)
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Jacq.) Parris
Notogrammitis angustifolia
From the Latin angusti- (narrow), and folius (leaf), a reference to the linear frond of this species.

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Rhizome erect to short-creeping; plants often colonial, fronds rather lax; paleae light brown, lanceolate, acute or rarely obtuse, 1.9-4.0 × 0.3-0.7 mm. Stipes indistinct, winged to base (usually more so than in G. billardieri); stipe hairs absent or very rare, whitish, to 1.0 mm. Lamina linear-oblanceolate, acute (2.2-) 4.0-9.6 (-12.0) × (0.2-) 0.28-0.50 (-0.65) cm; lamina hairs absent or very rare, as those of stipe; texture coriaceous; veins invisible, vein endings sometimes marked by a black marking, perhaps a hydathode, on the upper surface; midrib raised on lower surface, concolorous with or slightly darker than lamina. Sori oblong, oblique, in upper 1/3 to 2/3 of frond, 4-21 pairs, 1.5-5.0 × 1.0-1.5 mm; soral vein ending within the sorus or extending a little beyond it, shorter than basiscopic vein, neither approaching margin very closely. Sporangia (180-) 212.6-269.0(-300) mcm long; indurated cells of annulus (8-)10.4-13.0(-15). Spores (25-)29.8-38.0(-50) mcm diam.
Rhizome erect to short-creeping; plant usually solitary, fronds erect; paleae light brown, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, acute to broadly acute, 1.2-3.7 × 0.25-0.75 mm. Stipe ± indistinct, winged to base; stipe hairs absent or very rare, whitish, to 1.0 mm long. Lamina linear-oblanceolate, acute to broadly acute, (1.6-) 3.3-8.1 (-13.6) × (0.2-) 0.24-0.42(-0.5) cm; lamina hairs absent or very rare, similar to those of stipe; texture thinly coriaceous to coriaceous; veins visible to invisible, endings not darkened; midrib slightly raised below, darker than lamina. Sori subglobose to oblong, oblique or nearly parallel to midrib, in upper ½ to 2/3 of frond but not usually in apex, 2-19 pairs, 1.5-4.0 × 1.0-2.0 mm, sometimes ± confluent and covering most of frond undersurface when mature; soral vein prolonged or not beyond sorus but not as long as basiscopic vein, neither reaching the margin. Sporangia (200-)226.4- 299.0(-370) mcm long; indurated cells of annulus (10-)10.4-12.4(-15). Spores (25-) 34.3-47.5(-58) mcm diam.
Differt a G. magellanica subsp. magellanica in plerumque habitu solitario, aliquantum frondibus parvioribus, extremis venarum non fuscatis, et aliquantum maioribus sporangiis et sporiis. Rhizoma erectum vel breviter repens; planta plerumque solitaria, frondes erectae; paleae pallide brunneae, lanceolatae vel anguste lanceolatae, acutae yel late acutae, 1.2-3.7 × 0.25-0.75 mm. Stipes ± indistinctus, ad basim alatus; pili absentes vel rarissimi, albidi, ad 1.0 mm longi. Lamina linearo-oblanceolata, acuta vel late acuta, (1.6)-3.3-8.1(-13.6) × (0.2-) 0.24—0.42(-0.5) cm; pili absentes yel rarissimi, eidem pili stipitis; textura tenuiter coriacea vel coriacea; venae manifestae vel non, extremae venarum non fuscatae; costa parum sub lamina prominens, atrior quam lamina. Sori subglobosi vel oblongi, obliqui vel fere ad costam paralleli, in superiore ½-2/3 parte frondis, plerumque non in apice, 2-19 pares, 1-5-4.0 × 1.0-2.0 mm, interdum ± confiuentes et pagina inferiore tengentes ubi maturi; vena sori ultra sorum procurrens vel non, sed non in longitudine venam basalem aequans, non ad marginem accedens. Sporangia (200-)226.4-299.0(-370) mcm longa; cellulae induratae annuli (10-) 10.4-12.4(-15). Sporae (25-) 34.3-47.5(-58) mcm diameter.

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Asplenium angustifolium Jacquinot
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Grammitis araucana Phil.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Grammitis billardierei var. magellanica (Desv.) de la Sota
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Grammitis magellanica Desv.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Grammitis magellanica Desv. subsp. magellanica
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Grammitis poeppigiana (Mett.) Pic.Serm.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Polypodium billardieri var. magellanicum (Desv.) C.Chr.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Polypodium gramineum Poir.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Polypodium magellanicum (Desv.) J.W.Sturm
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
Polypodium poeppigianum Mett.
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Notogrammitis angustifolia (Jacq.) Parris
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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The name Grammitis poeppigiana (Mett.) Pic.Serm. has frequently been misapplied in New Zealand to what is now called Notogrammitis crassior (Kirk) Parris. See note in Perrie & Parris 2012 (page 468 and 466): Notogrammitis crassior is used for the species previously known as G. poeppigiana. The neotype of the latter is actually a specimen of N. angustifolia. The new combination N. crassior is based on the first available legitimate basionym. Notogrammitis angustifolia is used for the species previously known as Grammitis magellanica. The former name has the earliest basionym, but the combination in Grammitis is preoccupied.
From the Latin angusti- (narrow), and folius (leaf), a reference to the linear frond of this species.

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scientific name
26 February 2013
26 February 2013
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