Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002

Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
ETYMOLOGY: Refers to host substrate.
NOTES: M. griseliniae is macroscopically similar to M. coprosmae (see Discussion and Table 1). Lanzia griseliniae, another discomycete which also occurs on fallen Griselinia leaves, does not appear to be as common as C. griseliniae, although the two species can sometimes be found at the same site. L. griseliniae differs in apothecial colour: when fresh the disc is mustard-yellow and the receptacle pale yellow-brown, when dry the disc is more variable in colour, from a blackish brown to deep orange brown (TAUPO: Tongariro National Park, Ruapehu,on Griselinia littoralis, J. M. Dingley, 20 Oct 1949, PDD 19046. NELSON: vic. Karamea, Kohaihai, Nikau Walk, on Griselinia lucida, P. R. Johnston D1041, 11 May 1994, PDD 64240. STEWART ISLAND: Mason Bay, on Griselinia littoralis, P. R.Johnston D1406 & E. H. C. McKenzie, 11 May 1994,PDD 70058). The two species also differ in apothecial structure, and ascospore size and shape (see description in Spooner 1987). Collections very similar to L. griseliniae have also been found on Pseudopanax crassifolius, Metrosideros excelsa, andM. umbellata (unpubl. data).