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Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002

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Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 40 109 (2002)
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus griseliniae
New Zealand: Wellington: Rimutaka Ranges, Wainuiomata Catchment area, on fallen leaves of Griselinia lucida, P.R. Johnston D1269, 6 May 1997, holotype PDD 70061

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Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: DUNEDIN: Waipori Valley, Government Track, on G. littoralis,P. R. Johnston D1468, R. E. Beever & S. R. Pennycook, 6 May 2000, PDD 71982.MARLBOROUGH: Opouri Saddle, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D1338, 12 May 1997, PDD 70057. MID CANTERBURY: Mt Thomas Forest, Waterfall Track, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D1157, 4 May 1984, PDD 70062; Mt Somers, Sharplin Falls Track, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D1176, 6 May 1995, PDD 64859. NELSON: vic. Karamea, Kohaihai, Nikau Walk, on G. lucida, P. R. Johnston D1042, 11 May 1994, PDD 64239. NORTH CANTERBURY: vic. Cheviot, Glendhu Rd, Nothofagus remnant in catchment adjacent to Boundary Creek Reserve, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D1142, 2 May 1995, PDD 70059; vic. Cheviot, Glendhu Rd,Boundary Creek Reserve, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D1146, 3 May 1995, PDD 70060. STEWART ISLAND: The Neck, Glory Cove, on G. littoralis, P. R. Johnston D352 & H. Donner, 5 May 1984, PDD 55390. WAIKATO: vic. Waikino, Steuart Russell Waikino Beech Reserve, on Griselinia sp., P. R. Johnston D1551, 11 Jul 2000, PDD 71614.
DESCRIPTION: Apothecia developing on both upper and lower surface of fallen leaves, associated with irregularly shaped stromatic areas (often with several areas on a single leaf), leaf surface in these areas slightly blackened, margin marked by a narrow black zone line. Apothecia erumpent from beneath epidermis, arising from basal stroma comprising textura intricata of tightly packed hyphae c. 5 µm diam., with walls thick, gelatinous, dark brown, with scattered groups of crystals 40-60 µm diam. at base of stroma and in surrounding host tissue; hyphae within host tissue 5 µm diam. with walls gelatinous, hyaline, completely replacing leaf tissue, except for the more or less intact epidermis and upper layer of hypodermal cells. Apothecia up to 4 mm diam.,cupulate, short stipitate to stipitate; disc plane, dark red when fresh, very dark red to black when dry; receptacle finely roughened, concolorous with disc, when dry often with small, scattered clumps of bright rusty brown material; stipe more or less cylindric, with black base. Ascomata release bright pinkish red ("vivid Red", Kelly 1965) pigment in KOH. Ectal excipulum 50-65 µm thick, textura globosa to textura angularis with elements oriented more or less perpendicular to receptacle surface, comprising short-cylindric, angular or globose, 6-12 µm diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, refractive, with outermost cells 5-11.5 µm diam., more or less free, containing red-brown pigment. Medullary excipulum textura intricata of loosely packed hyphae 3-4.5 µm diam. with walls thin, finely encrusted, pale brown, nongelatinous. Subhymenium a dense textura intricata comprising hyphae 3-5 µm diam. with walls pale brown, thin to slightly thickened, nongelatinous. Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm diam., apex slightly swollen to 3-4 µm diam., unbranched, about same length as asci. Asci (75-)80-100(-110) x (9.5-)10.5-11.5(-12) µm, cylindric to subclavate, tapering slightly to subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex, apical pore amyloid with small but intense reaction on inside edge of wall, 8-spored, spores overlapping uniseriate, extending 70-75 µm from ascus apex. Ascospores (10.5-)11.5-12.5(-14) x (4.5-)5-6(-6.5) µm (x- 12 x 5.75 µm, n = 45), ovate to broad elliptic, more or less symmetrical, each end broadly rounded, slightly curved, sometimes slightly wider in upper half, 0-septate, wall hyaline, thin,smooth.
DIAGNOSIS: Apothecia ad 4 mm diam., brevistipitata vel stipitata, atrovinosa vel atere; pigmentum roseum vividum in KOH. Asci (75-)80-100(-110) x (9.5-)10.5-11.5(-12) µm; ascosporae (10.5-)11.5-12.5(-14) x (4.5-)5-6(-6.5) µm (x- 12 x 5.75 µm, n= 45), depresse ovatae vel ellipticae, leviter curvae, 0-septatae, hyalinae.

ETYMOLOGY: Refers to host substrate.

NOTES: M. griseliniae is macroscopically similar to M. coprosmae (see Discussion and Table 1). Lanzia griseliniae, another discomycete which also occurs on fallen Griselinia leaves, does not appear to be as common as C. griseliniae, although the two species can sometimes be found at the same site. L. griseliniae differs in apothecial colour: when fresh the disc is mustard-yellow and the receptacle pale yellow-brown, when dry the disc is more variable in colour, from a blackish brown to deep orange brown (TAUPO: Tongariro National Park, Ruapehu,on Griselinia littoralis, J. M. Dingley, 20 Oct 1949, PDD 19046. NELSON: vic. Karamea, Kohaihai, Nikau Walk, on Griselinia lucida, P. R. Johnston D1041, 11 May 1994, PDD 64240. STEWART ISLAND: Mason Bay, on Griselinia littoralis, P. R.Johnston D1406 & E. H. C. McKenzie, 11 May 1994,PDD 70058). The two species also differ in apothecial structure, and ascospore size and shape (see description in Spooner 1987). Collections very similar to L. griseliniae have also been found on Pseudopanax crassifolius, Metrosideros excelsa, andM. umbellata (unpubl. data).

HOLOTYPUS (here designated): New Zealand: Wellington: Rimutaka Ranges, Wainuiomata Catchment area, on fallen leaves of Griselinia lucida, P.R.Johnston D1269, 6 May 1997, PDD 70061.

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Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. (2002)
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. (2002)

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Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Moellerodiscus griseliniae P.R. Johnst. 2002
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Wellington: Rimutaka Ranges, Wainuiomata Catchment area, on fallen leaves of Griselinia lucida, P.R. Johnston D1269, 6 May 1997, holotype PDD 70061

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scientific name
20 April 2001
19 April 2002
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