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Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935

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Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner, Galera 85 (1935)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935

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New Zealand
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General application of the name incorporates multiple taxa.

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(Gillet) Kühner
Conocybe pubescens

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Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935

The basidiospores of C. pubescens in Bell (as 'sensu Richardson & Watling' ) is given as 8-9 x 5-6 µm when Richardson & Watling (1968) give 'Basidiospores larger over 15 µm long x up to 10 µm broad'; see Watling, 1982. With no further details the species figured by Bell (1983) can neither be determined, nor placed in either sect. Pilosellae or sect. Farinosae. We can only think that the couplet in the key has been switched giving C. pubescens the small spore-size, whilst C. rickenii was given spores 17-20 x 10-13 µm.

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Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens sensu A.E. Bell (1983)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens sensu A.E. Bell (1983)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner (1935)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner (1935)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens sensu A.E. Bell (1983)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner (1935)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
Conocybe pubescens sensu A.E. Bell (1983)
Galera pubescens Gillet (1876)
Galera pubescens Gillet (1876)
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935

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Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
New Zealand
Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
PDD73596 confirmed as consistent with C. pubescens [JAC]
taxonomic status
as 'sensu Richardson & Watling'

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scientific name
29 March 2001
8 January 2025
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