Bell, A.E. 1983: Dung Fungi. Victoria University Press.

Bell, A.E. 1983: Dung Fungi. Victoria University Press.
Identification keys
Discomycetes on Dung
Apothecia ± colourless or at most fuliginous, circa 0.3 mm. diam. containing very few (circa 1-3) large, multisporous asci
Apothecia pale luteous, orange or reddish-scarlet, at least 0.3 mm. diam. and usually much larger, containing many (circa 50+) asci, each containing 8 ascospores
Asci each containing 8 ascospores which are firmly cemented together to form a single unit and remain as such when released from the ascus
Ascospores 8 (or more) per ascus remaining free from one another both within the ascus and upon ejection
Mature ascospores punctate, ellipsoidal, ascus tip (or whole ascus) blue in MeIzer's reagent
Apothecia (> 1 mm. diam.), stalked, margin of cup frequently torn, ascus tip staining blue in MeIzer's reagent, paraphyses with non-inflated apices
Apothecia (± 0.25 mm. diam sessile, margin of cup entire, ascus not blue in Melzer's reagent, paraphyses with strongly inflated apices
Apothecia (circa 0.2-0.3 mm. diam.) semi-immersed in dung, with a semi-transparent to yellowish excipulum through which can be seen 1-6 large, multi-spored asci
Apothecia at least 0.5 mm. diam., superficially placed on dung surface, excipulum opaque, apothecium containing numerous asci
Apothecia white, short stalked, margin of excipulum with a fringe of short, blunt, flexuous white hairs. Ascus opening by an irregular tear stopped short by a thickened ring, each ascus containing 32 or more fusiform hyaline ascospores
Apothecia not white, or, if white, not fringed with hairs. Ascospores not fusiform, or, if fusiform, bearing prominent warts
Ascobolus on Dung
Apothecia associated with vegetation (e.g. mosses, liverworts) which may itself be growing upon dung, ascospores 17-19 X 9-10 [15.5-22X8-11.5] um
Apothecia primrose/straw coloured with a crenulate (wavy) margin, ascospores 12-15 X 8-10 [(8)9.5-15(16) x (5)6-8] um
Apothecia amber/ochreous, no crenulate margin, ascospores 13-15 X 8-10 [12.5-14.5 x (6.5)7 8.5] um
Mature ascospores with a loose episporium which gives the spores a blistered appearance, 21-25 x 10- 12 [19-22(25) X 9.5-13] um
Mature ascospores with a close fitting episporium which is not blistered, ascospores 22-26x11-13 [(16)19-28(32)x(9)10-14(16)] um
Ascospore ornamentation consisting of parallel ridges at right angles to the long axis of the spore, spores 13-14 x 7-8 [13-14.5 X 7.5-8.5] um
Ascospore ornamentation consisting of coarse or fine warts which may be regularly scattered over the spores or confined to irregular bands around the spores
Ascospore ornamentation as coarse warts which are arranged in irregular caps and bands around the spores, spores 29-33 X 17-20 [(27.5)30-33.5(35) X 16-18] um
Ascospore ornamentation as fine warts, spores 18-22x9-10 [18.5-21X10-11.5] um
Ascospore ornamentation as coarse warts, spores 25-29 X 14-17 [(25.5)26.5-30.5(32) X (14.5) 16-17.5] um
Ascospores ellipsoidal, episporium smooth for the most part although a few scattered raised granules may be present, spores 23-24X 10-13 [(17.5)19-23(24)x 10-12(13)] um
Ascospores ellipsoidal/oblong, episporium smooth or a few fissures may be present, spores 60-80x34-42 [(35)58-71(81)x(24)28-36(40)] um
Cheilymenia on Dung
Apothecia with two kinds of hairs: long unbranched hairs with rooting bases, together with stellate hairs Ascospores 17-20 x 10- 11 [ 16-20.5 X 9-121 um
Apothecia orange with pale margin, hairs with bulbous bases, ascospores 24-29 X 15-17 [21-27.3 x 12-16] um
Apothecia scarlet to red, emarginate, hairs with rooting bases, ascospores 17-19X10-11 [ 16-21 X 8-11] um
Coprotus on Dung
Apothecia saffron/apricot, paraphyses with curved and sometimes forked tips, ascospores 7-8x4-5 [8-10.5x5-6.5] um
Paraphyses with strongly hooked apices, ascospores 6-8 X 3-5 [7.5-9 X 4.5-5.5] um
Paraphyses with strongly inflated apices, ascospores 10-11X5.7 [9-15X6.5-9.5] um
Lasiobolus on Dung
Apothecial hairs up to 1 mm long, ascospores narrowly ellipsoidal, 20-26x7-10 [(15)17-22(24)x(5.5)9.0-12.0(13.5)] um
Apothecial hairs <0.5 mm. long, broadly ellipsoidal, 17-19x9-11 [13-18 X 7.5-11.5] um
Saccobolus on Dung
Mature ascospores, rose smooth walled, ellipsoidal with truncated ends, 26-28x11-14 [(19)22-29x8.5-14.5(16)] um
Apothecia a clear shining yellow, ascospores punctate, 13-15X6-7 [16-22(23)x7.5-9(9.5)] um
Apothecia fulvus, ascospores smooth walled, 12-14X6-8 [(10) 11.5-13.5(14.5)x5.5-6.5(7.5)] um
Mature ascospores smooth walled, olivaceous grey, 15-17x7-9 [13-21.5(23.5)x6.5-9.5(10)] um
Ascospores olivaceous grey with large warts over entire surface, spores 15-18x7-10 [ 14-16 X 8-9] um
Ascospores rose coloured, with medium sized warts distributed in patches only on spore surface, spores 11-14 X 5-7 [10.5-14 X 7-9] um
Thecotheus on Dung
Apothecia pale luteous, ascospores ellipsoidal with acute apices evenly covered with rough warts, 31-38 x 15-17 [30-42 X 15-18] um
Apothecia rosy/vinaceous to rosy/buff, ascospores ellipsoidal with blunt apices, smooth walled, 19-21 x 8-10 [20-22 X 8- 10] um
Thelebolus on Dung
Apothecia circa 0.2 mm., semi-transparent to yellowish in colour, partially submerged, asci containing very many ascospores
Apothecia circa 0.25 mm., umber to dark brick in colour, superficially sited on substrate, asci each containing 8 ascospores 4-6x2-3[6-7x3-3.5] um, paraphyses with much inflated apices
Apothecia containing one globose ascus which itself contains very many ascospores each approx. 6X4 [6X4] um
Apothecia containing approx. 6 subglobose asci each containing many ascospores approx. 5 X 8 um
Plectomycetes on Dung
Cleistothecia with a crown of straight hairs, asci 4-spored, ascospores circa 6-8 X 4-6 um
Cleistothecia reddish/brown (vinaceous/brick using Rayner's Colour Chart), asci globose each containing 8 unicellular, globose, spiny ascospores circa 3X3 um
Cleistothecia black, asci broadly clavate each containing 8 unicellular, lemon-shaped hyaline ascospores circa 14-18 X 10- 13 um
Arnium on Dung
Asci containing 64 or more ascospores each 9-22 X 11- 13 [18-22 x 12-14.5] um with a single cauda at each end of the ascospores. On lagomorph (rabbit & hare) dung
Ascospores with one apical germ pore (sometimes difficult to observe), spores ellipsoidal with blunt ends, spores maturing slowly 39-53 x 22-27 [(43) 47-57 X 24-30] um, upper cauda channelled. On cervid (deer) dung
Ascospores with two germ pores situated one at either end of each spore, spores ellipsoidal with subacute ends, 37-48 x 19-24 [(31)35-52(55) x 18-25] um, with a single cauda at either end each covering a germ pore. On cow and sheep dung
Cercophora & Podospora on Dung
Ascospores remaining one-celled, hyaline and usually vermiform (or at the most weakly clavate) to a late stage in development, caudae lash-like
Hyaline stage of ascospores always conspicuously clavate, spores soon becoming 2-celled, upper cell developing pigment, lower cell (pedicel) remaining hyaline. Caudae variously shaped
Cercophora on Dung
Dark cell of ascospores 15-17X7-8 [14-18X7-9] um, pedicel approx. 30X4 [27-36x3] um
Dark cell of ascospores 15-17X7-8 [14-18X7-9] um, pedicel approx. 30x4 [27-36x3] um
Dark cell of ascospores 21-29X8-10 [17-25x8.5-13] um, pedicel 40-60X5-7 [30-50] um
Subapical globulus spherical and minutely spiny, perithecial neck with tubercules, dark cell of ascospores 18-23 x 7-8 [15-21 X 9-11] um pedicel 33-41 x 4-5 [35-44 x 4-5] um
Subapical globulus spherical and smooth, perithecial neck ridged, hyaline state of ascospores inclined to be persistent, 67-84 X 8- 10 um
Podospora on Dung
Perithecia superficial or only partially submerged in the substrate having a leathery (=coriaceous) texture over which are ± evenly scattered short, blunt, hyaline-tipped hairs
Perithecia superficial, partially submerged, or totally submerged in the substrate, having a membranaceous texture. Hairs, if present, are as bristles or as agglutinated groups of cells, more dense towards the neck of the perithecia
Ascospores biseriate, 8 per ascus, dark cell 31-37 X 15-16 um pedicel 7-9 X 5-7 um, caudae one at each end of ascospore, lash-like and channelled
Ascospores biseriate, 8 per ascus, dark cell 46-62X27-30 um, pedicel ±30-40X5 um and broad-ended (=obclavate), caudae lash-like and striate at each end of ascospore
Asci broadly clavate/subglobose containing 128-256 (or more) ascospores, dark cell 16-19 X 12-13 um, pedicel ± 10 X 2 um
Dark cell of ascospore 29-35 X 16-20 um, pedicel ± 5-10 x2 um, caudae very difficult to see
Dark cell of ascospore 32-40X21-24 um, pedicel ±40 um long, apical cauda fan or strap shaped, striate, several small supernumerary caudae attached to upper portion of pedicel
Dark cell of ascospore 40-47 X 20-23 um, pedicel ± 21-33 X 5 um, whole ascospore surrounded by a gelatinous sheath
Ascospores with small supernumerary caudae attached to upper part of pedicel in addition to apical and basal caudae
Ascospores without such supernumerary caudae, dark cell of ascospore 37-43 X 21-23 um, pedicel 32-38 X 5 um, with a tuft of 4 apical caudae and 4 basal caudae
. Dark cell of ascospore 47-54X23-30 um, pedicel ±50-57X5-7 um, apical cauda lash-like and channelled, surrounded at base by a tuft of small caudae sprouting from the top of the dark cell. Supernumerary caudae are attached to upper portion of pedicel, and a single, lash like, channelled basal cauda present
Dark cell of ascospore 35-40 X 17-20 um, pedicel as long as or slightly longer than dark cell, apical cauda fan or strap-shaped, striate or channelled, several small supernumerary caudae attached to upper portion of pedicel
Ascospores uniseriate, dark cell 35-38X26-30 um, (easily shattered under. coverslip), pedicel +- 8 x 2 um
Dark cell of ascospore 45-70X25-35 um, pedicel ±25X8 um, caudae swelling in water (visible in Indian ink mounting medium)
Dark cell of ascospores 37-39 X 23-32 um, pedicel ± 38-45 X 7 um. Pedicel sometimes septate, apical cauda single and channelled, basal cauda lash-like. Developed on old dung
Dark cell of ascospore 40-48 X 21-24 um, pedicel ± 5 X 2 um, apical appendage lash-like and channelled, basal appendage lash-like
Perithecial hairs dark, flexuous and generally scattered over the perithecium including the region of the ostiole
Perithecial hairs either as stiff, dark bristles ± confined to the ostiolar region, or as agglutinated fan-shaped groups of cells the bulk of which are concentrated around the ostiolar region
Dark cell of ascospore 37-43 x 21-23 um, pedicel 32-38 X 5 um with a tuft of 4 apical caudae and 4 basal caudae
Dark cell of ascospore 24-27 X 10- 13 um, pedicel ± 13 X 4 um (soon collapsing), upper and basal caudae lash-like
Bristles with blunt ends, very small, not seen under a dissecting (X5) lens, dark cell of ascospores 35-40 X 17-20 um, pedicel as long or slightly longer than the dark cell, apical cauda fan or strap-shaped, striate or channelled with several small supernumerary caudae attached to upper portion of pedicel
Asci containing 4 ascospores, dark cell 39-41 X 19-25 um, pedicel ± 25 X 5 um, apical cauda single and lash-like, basal cauda single and lash-like
Dark cell of ascospores slightly flattened on one side, 39-42 X 19-21 um, pedicel 13-18 X 6-8 um often skewed to one side and tapering to an abrupt point, apical cauda broadly tapering and attached laterally to dark cell, basal cauda surrounding pedicel and extending beyond it, cylindrical
Dark cell of ascospore 24-27X 10-13 um, pedicel ± 13 X4 um (soon collapsing), with single lash-like apical and basal caudae
Dark cell of ascospore 34-41 X 20-24 um, pedicel ± 30 X 5 um, (soon collapsing), multiple apical and basal caudae and a hyaline jacket enclosing both dark cell and pedicel. Ascospores some times reversed in asci (i.e. pedicel nearest ascus tip)
Asci each containing 16 ascospores, dark cell 29-35X16-20 um, pedicel 5-10X2 um
Asci clavate containing 128 ascospores, dark cell 20-23 X 12-13 um, pedicel ± 12 X 4 um
Asci broadly clavate/subglobose containing 128-256 (or more?) ascospores, dark cell 16-19 x 12-13 um, pedicel ± 10 X 2 um
Asci each containing 4 ascospores, dark cell 21-25 X 12-15 um, pedicel ± 7 X 2 um, apical caudae lash-like
Agglutinated hairs forming a prominent radiating crown around the ostiole, dark cell of ascospores 34-40x15-23 um, pedicel ±10X2 um, apical and basal caudae single and lash like
Agglutinated hairs or tubercules more evenly scattered over the perithecium although showing some tendency to aggregate towards the ostiole
Ascospores obliquely uniseriate, dark cell 20-23 X 14-16 um, pedicel -- 8 X 2 um
Chaetomium on Dung
Ascospores triangular in one view, 7-9 x 5-7 [8-9.9 X 4.5-6.5] um, perithecia covered with dark branched hairs some of which are slightly curved (uncinate) at the tips
Ascospores ellipsoidal with sharp (acute) ends, 13-16x8-9[6-12x5.6-9] um, perithecium crowned with a dense cluster of tight, regularly coiled, hairs
Ascospores 5-7X5-6 [8-9X5.5-6.4] um, perithecia clothed with branched and unbranched hairs
Ascospores 10-12x8-9 [9-13x6-9.5] um, perithecia clothed with unbranched hairs some of which are loosely and irregularly coiled
Coniochaeta, Poronia and Hypocopra on dung
Perithecia embedded in the flat apical disc of an enormous (± 1 cm. high) hairy column of fungal tissue (stroma) which arises from the dung surface. Asexually produced spores (conidia) borne on easily fragmenting hyphae which clothe the sides of the stroma)
Perithecia superficial or semi-immersed in substrate, at least partly covered with dark, septate bristles. Ascospores discoid/broadly ellipsoid with an elongated germ slit along the narrow face, hyaline sheath may be present around each ascospore, but is difficult to demonstrate
Perithecia more or less totally immersed in substrate, ostiole only protruding. Perithecia devoid of bristles. Ascospores dark, ellipsoidal or slightly flattened on one side, surrounded by a substantial hyaline sheath which is easily seen, particularly in stained preparations of the ascospores inside the asci
Coniochaeta on Dung
Asci containing 64(128?) dark, discoid/broadly ellipsoidal ascospores 7-10X5-6x4-5 [7-9 X 4-7] um
Ascospores dark, discoid/broadly elliptical, 12-15x10-13x7 [11-14x8-12x6-8] um
Ascospores dark, discoid/broadly elliptical, 18-20 x 14-16 x 8-9 [16-23 x 13-19 x 8-15] um
Hypocopra on Dung
Ascospores frequently with one flattened side (asymmetrical), uniseriate, 'dark, ellipsoidal/ obovoid, 25-29X 11-13 [(20)22-24(25)X 10-12] um
Ascospores uniseriate, dark, ellipsoidal, 24-28 X 13-15 [(22)23-29 x (11) 12-14] um, a dark patch surrounding the ostiole on the dung surface
Ascospores uniseriate, dark, ellipsoidal, 43-46 X 18-21 [3 8-48(50) x (19)20-24] um
Delitschia and Trichodelitschia on Dung
Ascospores 2-celled, each cell with a circular germ pore at the distal end, cells easily separable at maturity, ascospores 19-21 X 6-7 [18-20.5 X 6] um
Ascospores 2-celled, each cell with an elongated germ slit parallel to the long axis of the ascospore, genus Delitschia
Cross-wall slightly oblique, ascospores constricted at this point, distal ends of ascospores a blunt point, spores 55-68 X 16-18 [45-55 X (13)14-16] um
Cross-wall of ascospores very oblique, cells readily separating at this point, in some instances each cell appearing as a separate 1-celled ascospore, spores 44-55 X 25-31 [35-50 X 15-18] um
Perithecia hairy, ascospores constricted at cross-wall, distal ends of spores bluntly rounded, 47-58x21-24 [(36)40-52x(16)19-22] um
Perithecia without hairs, ascospores not constricted at cross-wall, distal ends of each spore bluntly pointed, 59-70x22-35 [47-65(75)x(25)29-35(37)] um
Selinia on Dung
Sordaria on Dung
Ascospores ovoid, subglobose or sometimes slightly obovoid, 14-25 x 9-16, [(17) 18-24 x (9.5) 10-131 um
Ascospores ellipsoidal, mostly within the range 23-30 x 15-16, [(21) 23-29(30) x 14.5-17(18)] um
Ascospores ellipsoidal, mostly within the range 28-38 x 16-19, [(26)28-35 x (17)18-22] um
Sporormia and Sporormiella on Dung
Ascospores aggregated into a single cylindrical truncated bundle in the centre of ascus, ascospores 16-celled, cells without germ slits, ascospores 37-40X15-4 um
Asci clavate gently tapering at the lower end to form the stipe (stalk), end cells of each ascospore bluntly pointed, 57-65 x 12-15 [56-63 X 12-14.5] um
Basidiomycetes on Dung
Cap a shining pure yellow to amber; spores brown, broadly ellipsodial 9-12X5-8 um
Cap a shining amber with flocculose (=woolly) margin; spore print purplish brown spores individually brown, ellipsoidal, 9-11X6-8 [11.5-13X7-9] um
Cap pale mouse grey tinged cinnamon, very woolly textured when young; cap cells globose and minutely punctate; spores brown, rounded-angular in one view, 7-8X6-7 um, narrow oblong (4-5 um wide) in the other view
Cap orange to sienna especially at apex, covered with smooth walled, hyaline, globose cap cells; spores brown, subglobose in one view, 8-9X7-9 um ellipsoidal (±4 um wide) in the other view
Cap pale mouse grey which may be partially or completely hidden by thick covering of pale amber to cinnamon tomentum consisting of pale amber filamentous and globose cells with punctate walls; spores brown, ellipsoidal, 5-7 X 3 [7-9 X 3.5-5] um
Cap white to very pale mouse grey with a white tomentum consisting of either globose punctate cells or smooth walled branched filaments
Cap cells hyaline, globose, punctate; spores brown, 7-8 x 3-5 [7-9 X 3.4-4.5] um
Cap cells hyaline, with smooth walled branched filaments; spores brown 6-8 X 4 [6.5-7.5 X 5] um
Cap campanulate, white, with fine mealy texture; cap cells hyaline, globose and smooth walled; spores brown, rounded-angular in one view 16 X 10 um
Cap pale mouse grey, shaggy due to a covering of hyaline pointed filaments with smooth walls; spores 10-18X6-9 [11-14x6-7] um
Cap white with at least some part tinged amber or cinnamon (especially the apex), with very fine bristles and sometimes a woolly texture due to cap cells, which are pale cinnamon, globose, (with or without elongated projections) smooth walled or finely punctate; spores 11-14X7 [ 11- 14 X 5-6.5] um
Cited scientific names
- Apiosordaria verruculosa (C.N. Jensen) Arx & W. Gams 1967
- Arnium hirtum (E.C. Hansen) N. Lundq. & J.C. Krug 1972
- Arnium leporinum (Cain) N. Lundq. & J.C. Krug 1972
- Arnium sudermanniae N. Lundq. 1972
- Arthrobotrys oligosporus Fresen. 1850
- Ascobolus albidus P. Crouan & H. Crouan 1858
- Ascobolus crenulatus P. Karst. 1870
- Ascobolus degluptus Brumm. 1967
- Ascobolus foliicola Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Ascobolus furfuraceus Pers. 1794
- Ascobolus hawaiiensis Brumm. 1967
- Ascobolus immersus Pers. 1794
- Ascobolus lineolatus Brumm. 1967
- Ascobolus mancus (Rehm) Brumm. 1967
- Ascobolus minutus Boud. 1888
- Ascobolus perplexans Massee & E.S. Salmon 1901
- Ascobolus stictoideus Speg. 1879
- Ascozonus woolhopensis (Renny) Boud. 1907
- Bolbitius vitellinus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
- Bombardioidea stercoris (DC.) N. Lundq. 1972
- Cercophora californica (Plowr.) N. Lundq. 1972
- Cercophora coprophila (Fr.) N. Lundq. 1972
- Cercophora mirabilis Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Cercophora silvatica N. Lundq. 1972
- Cercophora sp.
- Chaetomidium sp.
- Chaetomium ampullare Chivers 1912
- Chaetomium globosum Kunze 1817
- Chaetomium spirale Zopf 1881
- Chaetomium trigonosporum (Marchal) Chivers 1915
- Cheilymenia ciliata (Bull.) Maas Geest. 1969
- Cheilymenia fimicola (De Not. & Bagl.) Dennis 1978
- Cheilymenia pallida A.E. Bell & Dennis 1971
- Cheilymenia raripila (W. Phillips) Dennis 1960
- Cheilymenia sp.
- Conocybe pubescens (Gillet) Kühner 1935
- Conocybe rickenii sensu A.E. Bell 1983
- Coprinus filamentifer Kühner 1957
- Coprinus heptemerus M. Lange & A.H. Sm. 1953
- Coprinus miser P. Karst. 1882
- Coprinus niveus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
- Coprinus patouillardii Quél. 1884
- Coprinus poliomallus Romagn. 1946 [1945]
- Coprinus radiatus (Bolton) Pers. 1797
- Coprinus stercoreus Fr. 1838
- Coprobia granulata (Bull.) Boud. 1907
- Coprotus aurora (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) K.S. Thind & Waraitch 1971 [1970]
- Coprotus disculus Kimbr., Luck-Allen & Cain 1972
- Coprotus glaucellus (Rehm) Kimbr. 1967
- Coprotus granuliformis (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kimbr. 1967
- Coprotus lacteus (Cooke & W. Phillips) Kimbr., Luck-Allen & Cain 1972
- Coprotus leucopocillum Kimbr., Luck-Allen & Cain 1972
- Coprotus luteus Kimbr., Luck-Allen & Cain 1972
- Coprotus sexdecimsporus (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kimbr. & Korf 1967
- Delitschia canina Mouton 1887
- Delitschia marchalii Berl. & Voglino 1886
- Delitschia pachylospora Luck-Allen & Cain 1975
- Delitschia tomentosa Luck-Allen & Cain 1975
- Fimaria sp.
- Gymnoascus californiensis (G.F. Orr & Kuehn) Apinis 1964
- Hypocopra keniensis J.C. Krug & Cain 1974
- Hypocopra ornithophila Speg. 1887
- Hypocopra stercoraria (Sowerby) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Iodophanus carneus (Pers.) Korf 1967
- Kernia Nieuwl. 1916
- Lasiobolus intermedius J.L. Bezerra & Kimbr. 1975
- Lasiobolus macrotrichus Rea 1917 [1916]
- Melanospora Mudd 1861
- Melanospora sp.
- Mucor dispersus Hagem 1910
- Mucor fragilis Bainier 1884
- Mucor mucedo Fresen. 1850
- Penicillium claviforme Bainier 1905
- Peziza vesiculosa Bull. 1790
- Phycomyces blakesleeanus Burgeff 1925
- Pilaira sp.
- Pilobolus sp.
- Piptocephalis lepidula (Marchal) R.K. Benj. 1959
- Podospora aloides (Fuckel) J.H. Mirza & Cain 1970 [1969]
- Podospora anserina (Rabenh.) Niessl 1883
- Podospora appendiculata (Auersw. ex Niessl) Niessl 1883
- Podospora communis (Speg.) Niessl 1883
- Podospora curvicolla (G. Winter) Niessl 1883
- Podospora curvula (de Bary) Niessl 1883
- Podospora curvuloides Cain 1962
- Podospora dactylina N. Lundq. 1970
- Podospora decipiens (G. Winter) Niessl 1883
- Podospora ellisiana (Griffiths) J.H. Mirza & Cain 1970 [1969]
- Podospora excentrica N. Lundq. 1972
- Podospora fimiseda (Ces. & De Not.) Niessl 1883
- Podospora globosa (Massee & E.S. Salmon) Cain 1962
- Podospora glutinans (Cain) Cain 1962
- Podospora intestinacea N. Lundq. 1972
- Podospora miniglutinans J.H. Mirza & Cain 1970 [1969]
- Podospora pectinata N. Lundq. 1970
- Podospora pleiospora (G. Winter) Niessl 1883
- Podospora pyriformis (A. Bayer) Cain 1962
- Podospora setosa (G. Winter) Niessl 1883
- Podospora similis (E.C. Hansen) Niessl 1883
- Podospora tetraspora (G. Winter) Cain 1962
- Poronia oedipus (Mont.) Mont. 1856
- Saccobolus citrinus Boud. & Torrend 1911
- Saccobolus glaber (Pers.) Lambotte 1887
- Saccobolus minimus Velen. 1934
- Saccobolus thaxteri Brumm. 1967
- Saccobolus verrucisporus Brumm. 1967
- Saccobolus versicolor (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1885
- Selinia pulchra (G. Winter) Sacc. 1883
- Selinia sp.
- Sepedonium sp.
- Sordaria curvula var. coronata G. Winter 1873
- Sordaria fimicola (Desm.) Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Sordaria macrospora Auersw. 1866
- Sordaria superba De Not. 1867
- Sphaeronaemella fimicola Marchal 1891
- Sporormia De Not. 1845
- Sporormiella australis (Speg.) S.I. Ahmed & Cain 1972
- Sporormiella intermedia (Auersw.) S.I. Ahmed & Cain ex Kobayasi 1969
- Sporormiella minima (Auersw.) S.I. Ahmed & Cain 1970
- Sporormiella pilosa (Cain) S.I. Ahmed & Cain 1972
- Sporormiella teretispora S.I. Ahmed & Cain 1972
- Thamnostylum piriforme (Bainier) Arx & H.P. Upadhyay 1970
- Thecotheus agranulosus Kimbr. 1969
- Thecotheus cinereus (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Chenant. 1918
- Thelebolus crustaceus (Fuckel) Kimbr. 1967
- Thelebolus microsporus (Berk. & Broome) Kimbr. 1967
- Thelebolus stercoreus Tode 1790
- Trichobolus sphaerosporus Kimbr. 1967
- Trichodelitschia munkii N. Lundq. 1964
- Zygopleurage zygospora (Speg.) Boedijn 1962
22 March 2019