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Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002

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Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie, New Zealand J. Bot. 40 117 (2002)
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002

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New Zealand
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Vánky & McKenzie
Vánky & McKenzie
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
NZ (PDD 68681 - Chatham Is)
Restiosporium dissimile
in matrice Apodasmia similis (= Leptocarpus similis), Nova Zelanda [New Zealand], Insula Chatham Islands, pr. Pakauwera, 43°45 S, 176°29 W, alt. c. 10 m.s.m., 5.IV.1993, leg. E. H. C. McKenzie et P. R. Johnston. Vánky HUV 18548, Holotype PDD 68681

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Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002

Sori (Fig. 1) in the capsules destroying the seeds and filling the capsules with a black, first agglutinated, later granular-powdery mass of spore balls, inconspicuous,lacrymiform, acute, c. 2 mm long and 1 mm wide at their base, hidden by the somewhat spreading floral envelopes. Infection systemic, all capsules of a plant being smutted. Spore balls (Fig.2, 3) variable in shape and size, globose, ovoid, ellipsoidal, elongated or irregular, (30-)40-80 x 40-120(-140) µm, dark olivaceous brown, opaque,composed of tens to maybe more than one hundred spores which separate easily by pressure. Spores (Fig. 2, 3) variable in shape and size, irregular, rounded or elongated, polyangular or subpolyangular,often with acute tips and also with an acute edge along the meeting line of two flattened sides, 10.5-14.5 x 12-19(-22) µm, olivaceous-brown; wall 1.5-4(-5) µm thick, uneven, thickest at the angles, apparently smooth, in SEM inner spores and contact sides smooth, free surface finely and sparsely verruculose, and partly also covered by remnants of sporogeneous hyphae as irregular squamae.
HOST: On Restionaceae: Apodasmia similis (Edgar)B.G.Briggs & L.A.S.Johnson (= Leptocarpus similisEdgar). Known only from the type collection.
Sori in capsulis, semina destruentes, et capsulas massa nigra, primo agglutinata, serius granulosopulvere aglomerulorum sporarum implentes, inconspicui,lacrymiformes, acuti, c. 2 mm longi et ad basin 1 mm lati, involucris floralibus aliquantum expansis occulti. Infectio systemica, capsulae omne seiusdem plantae robiginosae. Glomeruli sporarum forma et magnitudine varii, globosi, ovoidei, ellipsoidales, elongati vel irregulares, (30-)40-80 x 40-120 (-140) µm, atro-olivaceobrunnei, opaci, e pluries decem, possibiliter usque plusquam unum centum sporis, pressu leviter separabilibus compositi. Sporae forma et magnitudine variae, irregulares, rotundae vel elongatae, polyangulares vel subpolyangulares, saepe apicibus acutis, et etiam margine secundum lineam tangentialem laterum duorum deplanatorum instructae, 10.5-14.5 x 12-19(-22) µm, olivaceobrunneae; pariete 1.5-4(-5) µm crasso, inaequali, adangulos maxime incrassato, conspicue levi, sub SEM sporae internae et latera contingentia levia, superficies liberae subtiliter, distanter verruculosae et partim residuis hypharum sporogenearum sicut squamulis irregularibus coopertae.

ETYMOLOGY: dissimile, from Latin dissimilis, -is,-e = unlike, dissimilar, referring to the dissimilarity to Restiosporium leptocarpi.

DISCUSSION: On the approximately 465 species of Restionaceae (Meney & Pate 1999) only five smut fungi were previously known, belonging to two genera,Websdanea and Restiosporium. The peculiar, monospecific Websdanea (Vánky 1997), in the Websdaneaceae (Vánky 2001) (type W. lyginiae, Western Australia) produces bullate, pedicelled striae, filled with loose spore balls, on the culms of Lyginia barbata. Restiosporium (Vánky 2000), in the Ustilaginaceae (type R. meneyae, Western Australia) replaces the seeds, and the capsules are filled with spore balls composed of rather easily separating, pigmented spores. Only five species of Restiosporium have been published, including the one described in this paper, although several more are under study.

Restiosporium leptocarpi (Vánky 2000) (type onLeptocarpus tenax, Australia), differs from R.dissimile in having paler and larger (16-25 µm long) spores that are more rounded, without acute tips or edges.

TYPUS (hic designatus): in matrice Apodasmia similis(Edgar) B.G.Briggs & L.A.S.Johnson (= Leptocarpus similis Edgar, det. B. H. Macmillan), Nova Zelanda, Insula Chatham Islands, pr. Pakauwera, 43°45¢S, 176°29¢W, alt. c. 10 m.s.m., 5.IV.1993, leg.E. H. C. McKenzie et P. R. Johnston. Holotypus: PDD 68681; isotypus: Herbario Ustil. Vánky, HUV18548.

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Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie (2002)
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie (2002)
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie (2002)

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Restiosporium dissimile Vánky & McKenzie 2002
New Zealand
Chatham Islands

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in matrice Apodasmia similis (= Leptocarpus similis), Nova Zelanda [New Zealand], Insula Chatham Islands, pr. Pakauwera, 43°45 S, 176°29 W, alt. c. 10 m.s.m., 5.IV.1993, leg. E. H. C. McKenzie et P. R. Johnston. Vánky HUV 18548, Holotype PDD 68681

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1 January 2001
7 September 2004
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