Vánky, K.; McKenzie, E.H.C. 2002: Two new species of Ustilaginomycetes from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 40(1): 117-121.

ETYMOLOGY: dissimile, from Latin dissimilis, -is,-e = unlike, dissimilar, referring to the dissimilarity to Restiosporium leptocarpi.
DISCUSSION: On the approximately 465 species of Restionaceae (Meney & Pate 1999) only five smut fungi were previously known, belonging to two genera,Websdanea and Restiosporium. The peculiar, monospecific Websdanea (Vánky 1997), in the Websdaneaceae (Vánky 2001) (type W. lyginiae, Western Australia) produces bullate, pedicelled striae, filled with loose spore balls, on the culms of Lyginia barbata. Restiosporium (Vánky 2000), in the Ustilaginaceae (type R. meneyae, Western Australia) replaces the seeds, and the capsules are filled with spore balls composed of rather easily separating, pigmented spores. Only five species of Restiosporium have been published, including the one described in this paper, although several more are under study.
Restiosporium leptocarpi (Vánky 2000) (type onLeptocarpus tenax, Australia), differs from R.dissimile in having paler and larger (16-25 µm long) spores that are more rounded, without acute tips or edges.