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Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999

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Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 37 290 (1999)
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
NZ holotype
Annellospermosporella meliolinae
New Zealand, Auckland, North Shore City, Torbay, Stredwick Drive Reserve, on Meliolina leptospermi on Leptospermum scoparium, P. R . Johnston, 14 Sep 1994, HOLOTYPE PDD 63407

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Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999

ADITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: SOUTH ISLAND: SOUTHLAND: Catlins, Lake Wilkie, on Meliolina leptospermi on Leptospermum scoparium, P. R. Johnston & A. Howarth, 9 May 1995, PDD 68411. STEWART ISLAND: Mason Bay, near start of track to Freshwater Landing, P. R. Johnston & E. H. C. McKenzie, 23 Nov 1998, PDD 69824.
DESCRIPTION: Conidiophores, often aggregated into white sporodochial-like masses, develop amongst the hyphae of Meliolina leptospermi colonies. The aerial hyphae of infected Meliolina colonies are sparse and eventually completely lost, the chlorotic host leaf tissue beneath the Meliolina colonies becoming exposed. The chlorotic area is speckled with remains of dark Meliolina hyphae within substomatal chambers. Mycelium 2.5-3 µm diam., thin-walled, pale brown, with short cells, irregularly convoluted and tangled, always amongst Meliolina hyphae but not closely adhering to them. Wine-red pigment diffuses into KOH from the mycelium. Conidiogenous cells held on the mycelium in irregular, compact groups. Conidiogenous cells 11-19 x 2.5-4 µm, hyaline, more or less cylindric, although narrower near apex, proliferation percurrent, with several rows of indistinct annellations. Conidia 44-48 x 3-3.5 µm, more or less fusoid, tapering to a truncate base, and attenuated into an elongate, flexuous apex, 3-septate, hyaline.
DIAGNOSIS: Conidiophora aggregata facientes sporodochia inter hyphas Meliolinas leptosperma; cellulae conidiogenae 11-19 x 2.5-4 µm; conidia 44-48 x 3-3.5 µm, fusiformes, 3-septata, basi truncatae, apici protracto flexuoso.

ETYMOLOGY: Refers to the genus of the host fungus.

NOTES: Annellospermosporella meliolinae, associated with sparse, partly eroded Meliolina leptospermi colonies, is often difficult to recognise macroscopically.
In two of the collections (PDD 63407, 69824), this species was often associated with perithecia of Malacaria meliolinae. In these collections, the mycelium from both species appears to exude a wine red pigment in KOH. In the third collection of A. meliolinae (PDD 68411), where Malacaria was not observed, the same KOH reaction occurs. Healthy Meliolina mycelium gives no reaction in KOH. Although the evidence is not strong, there is a possibility that these two species represent the anamorph and teleomorph of the same fungus. Hansford (1946) speculated that the anamorph ofMalacaria flagellata (Hansf.) Hansf. (M. meholicola Syd., see Rossman 1987) may be Atractalina parasitica (G.Winter) Deighton & Piroz. (as Arthrobotryum parasiticum (G.Winter) Hansf), primarily on the basis of the fungi being found in close proximity on the same host fungus colonies.

HOLOTYPUS: New Zealand, Auckland, North Shore City, Torbay, Stredwick Drive Reserve, on Meliolina leptospermi on Leptospermum scoparium, P. R. Johnston, 14 Sep 1994, PDD 63407.

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Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. (1999)
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. (1999)
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. (1999)

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Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
New Zealand
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
New Zealand
Annellospermosporella meliolinae P.R. Johnst. 1999
New Zealand
Stewart Island

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taxonomic status
Malacaria meliolinae as teleomoprh is not proven
New Zealand, Auckland, North Shore City, Torbay, Stredwick Drive Reserve, on Meliolina leptospermi on Leptospermum scoparium, P. R . Johnston, 14 Sep 1994, HOLOTYPE PDD 63407

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24 June 1999
9 January 2003
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