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Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000

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Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden, New Zealand J. Bot. 38 261 (2000)
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000

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New Zealand
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P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
NZ holotype
Wrightoporia micropora
New Zealand, Westland, Lake Kaniere, on dead hardwood, L. Ryvarden 37712,26 Mar 1996, holotype PDD 70601, isotype O

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Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000

Basidiocarps annual, sometimes reviving a second season, resupinate, easily separable from the substrate, consistency corky to soft, fibrous-tough when dry; margin undifferentiated; pore surface white, becoming cream to pale fulvous (73.p.OY), pores round to slightly angular 6-7 per mm, dissepiments thin, tubes up to 3 mm long, subiculum white, fibrous, up to 1 mm thick. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae clamped, hyaline and thin-walled, 1.5-3 µm diam.; skeletal hyphae dominating in the basidiocarp, thick-walled to solid, hyaline, arising from a clamp and with distance from the clamp diameter gradually increasing to full width of 4-7 µm diam., appearing somewhat swollen in KOH, strongly dextrinoid in Melzer's reagent. Cystidia absent. Cystidioles cylindrical to somewhat lecythiform, thin-walled, scattered amongst basidia, 11-15 x 3-5 µm. Basidia clavate, 4-sterigmate, with narrow, elongate sterigmata to 5 gin long, clamped at base, 11-16 x 5-8 µm. Basidiospores subglobose, hyaline, slightly asperulate, thin-walled, distinctly amyloid, 3.5-4.5(-5) x 3-4 µm. Type of wood rot unknown.
New Zealand, known only from the type locality.
Dead hardwood.
Basidiocarpi annui, resupinati, suberei vel molles; superficies pori alba; pori 6-7 per mm; tubi usque 3 mm longi. Systema hyphale dimiticum; hyphae genitales fibulatae, hyalinae, tenuitunicatae, 1.5-3 pm diameteo; hyphae skeletales crassitunicatae vel solidae, hyalinae, 4-7 M diameteo, in solutione Melzeri valde dextrinoideae. Cystidia nulla. Cystidiola cylindracea vel sublecythiformia, tenuitunicata, 11-15 x 3-5 µm. Basidia clavata, 4-sterigmatophora, basi fibulata, 11-16x 5-8 µm. Basidiosporae subglobosae, hyalinae, subasperulatae, tenuitunicatae, distincte amyloideae, 3.5-4.5(-5) x 3-4 µm.
ETYMOLOGY: micropora, referring to the small pores of basidiocarps.
NOTES: W. novaezelandiae Rajchenb. & A.David, the only other species of Wrightoporia known from New Zealand, has larger pores (1.5-2.5 per mm), monomitic hyphal system, and ellipsoid basidiospores, 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 µm (Rajchenberg & David 1990). In the keys of David & Rajchenberg (1987) and Stalpers (1996), W. micropora keys out close to the East African species, W. africana I.Johans. & Ryvarden; the latter differs in its narrower (1.5-4 µm diam.) skeletal hyphae and smaller spores, 3-3.5(-4) x 2.5-3 µm (Ryvarden & Johansen 1980).
W. subrutilans (Murrill) Ryvarden (=Poria illudens Overh. & J.Lowe) was reported from New Zealand by Hjortstam & Larsson (1995), based on Cunningham (1965). Cunningham, however, misapplied the name P. illudens for a fungus that does not belong in Wrightoporia, lacking the dextrinoid skeletal hyphae and amyloid spores which characterise W. subrutilans (Gilbertson & Ryvarden 1987). The identity of P. illudens sensu G.Cunn. has not been determined.
HOLOTYPUS: New Zealand, Westland, Lake Kaniere, on dead hardwood, L. Ryvarden 37712, 26 Mar 1996 (PDD 70601; O - isotype).

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Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)

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Wrightoporia micropora P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Westland, Lake Kaniere, on dead hardwood, L. Ryvarden 37712,26 Mar 1996, holotype PDD 70601, isotype O

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1 November 2005
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