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Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak, Sydowia 33 137 (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

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New Zealand
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E. Horak
E. Horak
(E. Horak) E. Horak
NZ holotype
Lepiota calcarata

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Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

Material. - New Zealand: South Island: Westcoast, S of Lake Hochstetter, 29. III. 1968, HORAK (PDD, 27141, holotype).
Habitat - on soil or on rotten wood, Nothofagus forest - New Zealand

Remarks. - The most significant features of this species are the large, spurred spores, the fusoid-lageniform cheilocystidia and the dark brown colour on the carpophores. The combination of these three characters definitely exclude the speculation that L. calcarata represents a discoloured form of L. alopochroa (B. & BR.), L. infelix HORAK or some other species belonging to the complex around L. castanea QUEL. For further discussion see HoRAK (1980b).

L. calcarata shares the dark brown colour of pileus and veil remnants with the Papua New Guinean L. crepusculata HORAK whose microscopic data, however, are distinctly separating these two Australasian taxa.

New Zealand: South Island. West Coast, South of Lake Hochstetter, 29.111.1968, leg. Horak (PDD 27141, holotype; ZT 68/227, isotype). This species is characterised by its dark brown pileus, slender stipe, and large-spurred spores. Macroscopically L. calcarata is reminescent of the Australian L. exocarpi Cleland (1934) or the European /. tomentella Lange (1923). However, both fungi have smaller spores. The microscopic features of this New Zealand fungus strongly resemble those of L. castanea Quel. But the colour and habit of that common European agaric do not correspond to those of L. calcarata.
Pileus10-20 mm diam., convex when young becoming broadly umbonate or campanulate, dark brown, umber brown, paler towards the estriate margin, smooth at centre, disrupted to form appressed fibrillose irregular squamules towards margin, occasionally with pale brown veil remnants. Lamellae free, ventricose, moderately crowded, whitish when young turning to yellowish or pale brown, edge concolorous, not fimbriate. Stipe 35-60 x 1.5-2 mm, cylindric or rarely attenuated towards base or indistinctly fusoid, brownish or pale orange-brown, covered with short, irregular, concolorous rings and patches from veil, often washed off in over mature specimens, cortina absent, dry, fistulose. single in groups. Context pale orange-brown in cortex of stipe. Odour pleasant, fruity. Chemical reactions on pileus: unknown. Spores 11-15 x 4-4.5 µm, spurred, hyaline, dextrinoid, smooth, germ pore absent. Basidia 22-28 x 8-10 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 25-40 x 6-10 µm, fusoid to lageniform. hyaline, thin-walled, forming sterile seam on gill edge. Pleurocystidia absent. Cuticle a palisade of erect cylindric or subfusoid cells (25-140 x 5-10 µm), with brown pigment in membrane, septa with clamp connections.
on rotting log of Nothofagus sp. and on soil. New Zealand

Pileus-20 mm, convexo-campanulatus, umbrinus, squamuloso-fibrillosus. Lamellae liberae, pallide flavo-brunneolae. Stipes -60 x -2 mm, cylindricus vel subattenuatus basim versus, pallide aurantio-brunneolus, zonis concolor-ibus e velo irregulariter ornatus. Sporae 11-15 x 4-4.5 µm, calcaratae. Ad lignum putridum Nothofagi. Novazelandia.

Typus PDD 27141.

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Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Lepiotula calcarata E. Horak (1980)
Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

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Lepiota calcarata (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
[Not available]

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Use of the name incorporates multiple species [JAC]

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scientific name
8 November 1997
1 August 2024
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