Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]

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Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer, Sydowia 32 7 (1980 [1979])
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) Agerer
NZ holotype
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax
Type and specimen examined: New Zealand: Mt. Egmont, 2700 ft., Taranaki District, Feb. 1952. Coll. by µ H. Cunningham. (NZPD).
Receptacles scattered, waxy, fragile, 0,2-0,5 mm. in diameter, attached by a narrow base, cupulate or as often pendant; exterior white, drying cream, tomentum of long, unbranched, aseptate hyphae, tortuous, 3 µ diameter, finely crystal coated, tapering gradually to long-acuminate apices; margin inturned, lacerate when old; hymenial surface concave, even, pallid buff or cream; context white, to 40 µ thick, base to 250 µ of parallel hyphae radiately arranged; generative hyphae to 2,5 µ in diameter, wall 0,25 µ thick, sparsely branched, septate; hymenial layer to 35 µ deep, paraphyses subclavate; basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 7- 8 µ 4-sterigmate ; spores broadly fusiform or lemon-shaped, apiculate, 6-9 x 4,5-5,5 µ smooth, hyaline.
Habitat: On Pseudopanax crassifolium.
The above description was taken from Cunningham (1953). The writer would add that the surface hairs are 150-250 X 5-6 µ arising directly from the context hyphae without apparent septation; all hyphae and the base of the basidia possess clamps.
Pilei annual, scattered, waxy, fragile, 0.2-0.5 mm. diameter, attached by a narrow base, cupulate or as often pendent; exterior white, drying cream, tomentum of long, unbranched aseptate hyphae, tortuous, 3 µ diameter, finely crystal coated, tapering gradually to long-acuminate apices; margin inturned, lacerate when old; hymenial surface concave, even, pallid buff or cream. Context white, to 40 µ thick, base to 250 µ, of parallel hyphae radiately arranged; generative hyphae to 2.5 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, sparsely branched, septate. Hymenial layer to 35 µ deep, paraphyses subclavate. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 7-8 µ, 4-spored. Spores broadly fusiform or lemon-shaped, apiculate, 6-9 x 4.5-5.5 µ, smooth, hyaline.
HABITAT. Scattered on bark of dead stems.
Pilei sparsi, cerosi, cupulati vel penduli, 0.2-0.5 mm. diam.; exteriore parte alba, tomento hyphis longis, sine ramis, aseptatis, tortuosis ad 3 µ diam., apicibus longo-acuminatis gradatim fastigatis, crystallis illinatis; margine inflecto, lacerato in maturitate. Contextus albus, ad 40 µ crassus, hyphis ad 2.5 µ diam., in radiis ordinatis. Paraphyses subclavati. Sporae late fusiformes vel citriformes, apiculatae, 6-9 x 4.5-5.5 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Tomentum hairs are long, unbranched, thin-walled and taper gradually to acuminate finely crystal-coated apices, the main stem being covered with coarse crystals.
Pseudopanax crassifolium (Sol.) Koch. Taranaki. Mt. Egmont, 2,700 feet; February, 1952. G.H.C.; type collection.
Taxonomic concepts
Cyphella pseudopanax G. Cunn. (1953)
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer (1980) [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer (1980) [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer (1980) [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer (1980) [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer (1980) [1979]
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Lachnella pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Flagelloscypha pseudopanax (G. Cunn.) Agerer 1980 [1979]
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Index Fungi 2(Cumulative Index): 154, and Index Fungi 3: 115, 1962, are in error in treating Cunningham's epithet as a misspelt genitive of the host genus; it is a N.Z. vernacular name of the host, used as a noun in apposition (Pennycook & McKenzie 2002). The proposed grammatical 'correction' would result in 'Flagelloscypha pseudopanacis (G.Cunn.) Agerer
1980', which would be an illegitimate later homonym of Flagelloscypha pseudopanacis Agerer 1975.
scientific name
29 February 2000
13 August 2008