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Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973

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Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973

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E. Horak
E. Horak
Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973
NZ holotype (PDD 27012)
Entoloma sordidulum
New Zealand, Westland, Taylorville, Sewell Peak Track, 200 m, on rotten wood in mixed broadleaf/podocarp forest, 31 Mar. 1968, E. Horak (holo-type PDD 27012, isotype ZT 68-239).

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Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973

Holotype (PDD 27012); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 68/239J: 'Along the track between Taylorville and Mt. Sewell, prov. Westcoast, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 31.III.1968'.
Pileus 5-12 mm diam., convex and depressed at the centre, becoming concave or even subumbilicate, radially fibrillose or velvety, hygrophanous, striate at the margin, dry, membranous, whitish or light beige, colour fading in aged carpophores. Lamellae (L 6-10, l 3), adnate to subdecurrent, when young whitish turning deep pink, gill edge concolorous and not fimbriate. Stipe 8-15 x -1 mm, cylindrical, central or sometimes eccentric, curved, with white rhizoids at the base, glabrous, dry, hyaline or beige-brownish, solitary. Context membranous, whitish. Odor and taste farinaceous.
Spores 8-9 x 6-8.5 µm, 4-sided, rarely with 5 obtuse angles. Basidia 25-38 x 10-12 µm, 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia none. Cuticle a cutis of repent and densely woven, cylindrical hyphae (6-15 µm diam.), membrane thin-walled, pigment absent. Clamp connections abundant.
On rotten wood. New Zealand.
Pileo 5-12 mm lato, convexo-umbilicato, concavo, radialiter fibrilloso vel sublanato, hygrophano, sicco; marginem versus striato, albidulo vel argillaceo. Lamellis adnato-decurrentibus, albidulis dein perroseis, acie concolori instructis. Stipite 8-15 x -1 mm, cylindraceo, frequenter curvato et subexcentrico, hyalino vel argillaceo-brunneolo, glabro, basim rhizoidibus albis instructo. Odore saporeque farinaceo. Sporis 8-9 x 6-8.5 µm, 4-angulatis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis cutem formantibus, haud pigmentatis, fibuligeris. Ad truncos putridos. Novazelandia.
Holotypus (PDD 27012): 'Between Taylorville and Mt. SeweD, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 31.III.1968'.

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Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma sordidulum E. Horak (1973)

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New Zealand, Westland, Taylorville, Sewell Peak Track, 200 m, on rotten wood in mixed broadleaf/podocarp forest, 31 Mar. 1968, E. Horak (holo-type PDD 27012, isotype ZT 68-239).

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1 January 2000
27 November 2024
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