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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke, Grevillea 8 64 (1879)
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879

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New Zealand
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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
NZ holotype
Berggrenia aurantiaca
New Zealand, On wood. Waitaki, syntypes K(M), Berggren 55; K(M), Berggren 68, CUP-K-3252, CUP-K-3251, S F49307

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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879

Obovata, vel spathulata, sessilis, aurantiaca, ad basin plicata, demum rupta. Ascis cylindraceis. Sporidiis amplis, ellipticis, hyalinis (0.022-0.025 x 0.016-0.018 mm.).
On wood. Waitaki (55, 68).

Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Several packets with different collections identified by Cooke as Berggrenia aurantiaca and Berggrenia aurantiaca f. cyclospora. Korf examined this material in 1951, but did he publish on it?? Two Berggren collections with spores matching Berggrenia, plus a recent Stevenson collection. All from the Wellington area - this should be added to the thraatened fungi list. Checked Steven 80/152, drawing of hypogeous fungus but with pale base and orange top, almost a stalk-like base; spores oval, thick walled, smooth. Type (Berggren 68) apothecium looks like it was highly convoluted, clearly with fine, brain-like patterning on outside of the ascoma. Colenso b1231 (var cyclospora) looks just like Paurocotylis in shape and internal texture (whitem fine, stringy), and in the smooth outer surface.

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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke (1879)
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke (1879)
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke (1879)

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Berggrenia aurantiaca Cooke 1879
[Not available]

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New Zealand, On wood. Waitaki, syntypes K(M), Berggren 55; K(M), Berggren 68, CUP-K-3252, CUP-K-3251, S F49307

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scientific name
1 January 2001
15 December 2003
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