Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod 1889

Vernacular names
- Agaricus arenicola Berk. 1843
- Agaricus pediades Fr. 1821
- Agaricus pediades sensu Colenso 1887 [1886]
- Agaricus semiorbicularis Bull. 1789
- Agaricus temulentus Fr. 1821
- Agrocybe arenicola (Berk.) Singer 1936
- Agrocybe pediades sensu E. Horak 1971
- Agrocybe semiorbicularis (Bull.) Fayod 1889
- Agrocybe subpediades (Murrill) Watling 1977
- Agrocybe temulenta (Fr.) Singer 1936
- Naucoria pediades (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Naucoria pediades sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
- Naucoria semiorbicularis (Bull.) Quél. 1872
- Naucoria subpediades Murrill 1942
- Naucoria temulenta (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Naucoria pediades (Fries) (6,16) Fig. 20 = Agrocybe pediades (Fries) Fayod
All characters of the N.Z. collection (COLENSO 269) are similar to those of this fungus in Europe. Probably another introduced fungus growing by preference in paddocks and lawns.
Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod 1889
In Taylor 1263 the basidiospores were slightly larger especially in breadth, 12.5-15(-16) x 8-10(-11) µm, and may represent an independent but closely related taxon but without field data it is impossible to decide, especially as only two collections are available and each may represent the two extremes of a range of variation. In Segedin 1220 the basidiospores had a slightly excentric germ-pore.
In the literature 'Naucoria' pediades is recorded in Colenso (1886) and Massee (1898) but this taxon has undoubtedly been confused in the past. Colenso b 113 is a mixed collection of which the smaller element refers to A. pediades; the other part of b 113 refers to A. semiorbicularis q.v.
a. Broadly ellipsoid to ovoid basidiospores 10.5-14 x 7-8(-10) µm,
b. Basidia mostly 2-spored,
c. Absence of pleurocystidia and
d. Lageniform cheilocystidia with ± subcapitate head.
It is widespread on lawns and in grasslands. Details of the New Zealand collection are as follows;-
Basidiospores 14-16 x (8-)8.5-ll µm, ellipsoid-ovoid, medium ochraceous in water, darker in aqueous alkali, smooth; germ-pore distinct. Basidia 2-spored, a few 3- and 4-spored basidia seen, 25-30 x 7.5-10 µm. Cheilocystidia 20-30 x 5-7.5 µm, ampulliform with slightly swollen obtuse apex (3-5 µm broad); pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia subcapitate to slightly swollen at apex, 20-30 x 6-8 µm, apex 4-5 µm.
This species is recorded in both Colenso (1890), and Massee (1898).
A. temulenta is sporadically recorded in Europe in grassy places, often in previously disturbed areas and one of us (RW) has seen a recent collection from North America (New York State). It is easily recognised when young by the uniformly bright ochraceous yellow pileus and stipe, which fade and become flushed with saffron, and the stuffed stipe with tough cortex. The basidiospores, (10.5-)11-13(-14.5) x (6.5-)7.5-8.5(-9) µm, are ellipsoid and basidia 2-or 4-spored.