Laccaria masoniae G. Stev. 1964

Laccaria masoniae G. Stev. 1964
Laccaria masoniae G. Stev. 1964
Laccaria masoniae G. Stev. 1964
Stevenson (1964) included two distinct species in her original description and illustrations of Laccaria masonii. one with a glabrous, violaceous to buff coloured pileus. and the other with a radially fibrillose pileus. The type collection consists solely of fructifications with gabrous pilei and the name is accordingly restricted to this species. The second species is described under L. fibrillosa.
L. masonii is characterised by violaceous fructifications when young, coarsely spinose spores, and the absence of radial markings on the pileus. Although the violaceous tints disappear with maturity, the species may still be recognised by the spore ornamentation. L. masonii is restricted to southern beech forests.