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Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972

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B. Sutton
(Dearn.) B. Sutton
Stigmina thujina

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Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata sporodochial, scattered, stroma immersed, semi-erumpent rupturing the cuticle, dark brown, 0.1–0.2 mm wide; on scale leaves and twigs. Conidia cylindrical-obclavate, curved, 5–10-septate, 40–60 × 5–7 μm, dark brown.
Distribution: Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Waikato, Wanganui, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Buller, Westland, Marlborough, Mid Canterbury.; 1st Record: Gadgil & Dick (2000a).
Significance: Associated with death and casting of foliage of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana on the west coast of the South Island. Older foliage in the lower and middle crown is affected first and as this is cast, trees develop a hollow crown with an outer fringe of green leaves. Continued defoliation over several years has led to the death of some trees. The disease has not proved to be serious elsewhere in New Zealand.; Host(s): Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Thuja plicata.

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Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton 1972
Stigmina thujina (Dearn.) B. Sutton (1972)

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scientific name
7 February 2000
15 January 2014
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